In a year brimming with straight-laced, brutal, and heartfelt masterpieces, experimental and at times, avant-garde, filmmaker Todd Haynes crafted a film about legendary songwriter Bob Dylan to a tune of his constantly evolving frequency. Telling Dylan’s story in a series of vignettes but having...
Speaking to Gene Siskel of the ChicagoTribunein 1973, François Truffaut made an observation that’s cast a shadow over war movies ever since, even those seemingly opposed to war. Asked why there’s little killing in his films, Truffaut replied, “I find that violence is very ambiguous in ...
Speaking to Gene Siskel of the ChicagoTribunein 1973, François Truffaut made an observation that’s cast a shadow over war movies ever since, even those seemingly opposed to war. Asked why there’s little killing in his films, Truffaut replied, “I find that violence is very ambiguous in ...