MADE expo MilanoCompetitionline
I parquet e i pavimenti in legno più belli alla Fiera Milano Architettura Design Edilizia 2017. Sfoglia la galleria immagini!
"It is an honour to present this project that Fidenza Village will feature during Expo in such a beautiful setting. The whole essence of the initiative 'The Embassy of Made inItaly' is to celebrate the patrimony characterizing the surrounding territory of Fidenza Village, th...
MADE Expo 2011 | Milano Architettura Design Edilizia Expo | New Milan Fairgrounds, Rho, Milan, Italy | October 5 - 8, 2011Wendy
Antonio Abete
Mario BoselliDavide OldaniDavide OldaniDavide QuadrioRoberto CavalliVivienne Westwood