docker volume create maddydata 会在目录/var/lib/docker/volumes/下创建存储卷maddydata。 安装应用 在1Panel 面板安装 Maddy Mail Server 应用,具体安装时的配置如下: 上传域名证书到存储卷 安装好应用之后,进入/var/lib/docker/volumes/maddydata/_data/,将域名证书上传到该目录。 # 进入存储卷路径 cd $(dock...
Composable all-in-one mail server. Maddy Mail Server implements all functionality required to run a e-mail server. It can send messages via SMTP (works as MTA), accept messages via SMTP (works as MX) and store messages while providing access to them via IMAP. In addition to that it impl...
部署SSL 证书 先将刚刚下载的证书重命名为fullchain.pem和privkey.pem, 传到你自己服务器的/software/email/maddy/certs/目录下 修改Maddy 配置文件 从github 上取maddy.conf文件,传入到/software/email/maddy目录并修改配置文件内容,替换为你自己的域名 $(hostname)$(prima...
【Maddy: Composable all-in-one mail server】 Maddy:可组合的多合一邮件服务器。
conn.SMTPNegotation("fail.maddy.test", nil, nil) conn.Writeln("MAIL FROM:<testing@pass.maddy.test>") conn.ExpectPattern("250 *") conn.Writeln("RSET") conn.ExpectPattern("250 *") // Actually checks fail.maddy.test. conn.Writeln("MAIL FROM:<>") conn.ExpectPattern("552 5.7.0 *")...
Maddy is the SEO and content agency owner of The Blogsmith and bestselling author of "Writing for Humans and Robots." She's also an active public speaker with expertise in SEO, WordPress, SaaS marketing, content writing, and content marketing. She has worked with brands such as Sprout ...
Police Investigate Death Threat to the McCanns; Hate Mail: Threat to Kate and Gerry McCann Comes a Year after Maddy Vanished
Before I introduced a complete email serviceRainLoop, this time we introduce another open source mail serverMaddy. Maddy is written entirely in Go language, which is lightweight and easy to use. Next, I will introduce to you how to use Maddy to build a personal email server. ...
DEBABRATA SAMANTA phone number, email address, profile and contact informationSuresh D
Composable all-in-one mail server. Maddy Mail Server implements all functionality required to run a e-mail server. It can send messages via SMTP (works as MTA), accept messages via SMTP (works as MX) and store messages while providing access to them via IMAP. In addition to that it impl...