Updates to Franchise on PS5™ Play new mini games and training camp drills to progress your team. Utilize a more streamlined team relocation feature. This game includes optional in-game purchases of virtual currency that can be used to acquire virtual in-game items, including a random selection...
Updates für den Franchise-Modus auf PS5™ Spiele neue Minispiele und Trainingslager-Drills, um dein Team zu verbessern. Nutze eine einfachere Funktion um Teams umziehen zu lassen. Dieses Spiel enthält optionale In-Game-Käufe von virtueller Währung, die für den Erwerb virtueller In-Game...
Franchise: If you’ve ever wanted to manage your own NFL team, Franchise is the game mode for you. You can scout, draft, and trade for the players you want on your team and play through a whole season. Learn more about Franchise mode here. Madden Ultimate Team (MUT): Build out your...
In-game purchases optional Online play optional 1 - 4 players Remote Play supported What is Madden NFL 24? Experience greater control and realism on the gridiron in Madden NFL 24 With the newest iteration of FieldSENSE™*, enjoy an enhanced gameplay foundation that brings all the ways you pla...
Franchise - 为成为超级碗强队搭建舞台。玩新的迷你游戏和训练营练习,让你的球队不断进步。利用更简化的球队搬迁功能、新城市和新队服,创造您自己的特许经营故事。使用自由球员 2.0、重组合同并向基石球员提出还价,打造您的未来。使用 50 个新的独特选秀生成器、新的交易逻辑调整、6 个交易插槽和新的教练第三人才...
NFL 24 Xbox One 게임 모드 Franchise에서 팀을 이끌어 슈퍼볼 우승을 달성하고, Madden Ultimate Team™ 강팀을 만들고, The Yard를 정복하고, Face of the Franchise의 스타가 되고, SSKO에서 X-Factors를 분출하세요...
(Online H2H).* Modes de jeu Madden NFL 24 Xbox One Menez votre équipe à la victoire au Super Bowl en mode Franchise, créez une équipe Madden Ultimate Team™ de rêve, prenez le contrôle de The Yard, devenez la star de Face of the Franchise et appliquez vos X-Factors dans SS...
Franchise— Set the stage to be a Super Bowl powerhouse. Play new mini games and training camp drills to progress your team. Utilize a more streamlined team relocation feature with new cities and new uniforms to create your own Franchise story. Build your future using Free Agency 2.0, rest...
Open Madden NFL and go to the main in-game menu. Go to Rosters and Playbooks > Share and Manage Files > Load and Delete Files to bring up the game's file list. Delete the files under Profile and Roster. Remember that deleted Franchise files can’t be recovered. ...
* 《Madden NFL 24》Xbox One 遊戲模式 帶領你的球隊在球隊模式中贏得超級杯勝利、打造出強大的 Madden Ultimate Team™、佔領 The Yard、在 Face of the Franchise 中成為明星,並在 SSKO 中釋放你的 X 因素。Face of the Franchise 和 The Yard 等模式不會在 Xbox Series X|S 版本中提供。 *需遵守...