Featuring all-new ways to control your impact with every decision, Madden NFL 23 lets you call the shots in Franchise with free agency and trade logic updates. Play your way into the history books in Face of the Franchise: The League and assemble the most powerful roster in all of Madden...
Okay so I started to play Face of the Franchise as a QB and I played through my "One-Year Prove It" Deal with the Indianapolis Colts and things are going great and I say you know what I like playing with this team so I sign on for two more years, I play those two seasons and ...
用您的方式名垂青史。用全新的方式控制每个决定的影响力。用自由球员和交易逻辑更新掌管球队的一切事务,在“球队门面:联赛”中书写传奇,在 Madden Ultimate Team™ 中打造最强大的阵容。
Game Modes Face of the Franchise: The League Negotiate a 1-yr contract with any team in your 5th NFL season, strive for highest tier of prestige on Road to 99. New position mechanics (QB, WR, RB, CB, MLB) enabled by FieldSENSE* & player-focused cams add gameplay depth. ...
Gagnez votre place dans l’histoire avec Madden NFL 23 Contrôlez les opérations en prenant les décisions en mode Franchise avec la gestion des agents libres et une mise à jour de la logique d'échange. Gagnez votre place dans les livres d'histoire
Face of the Franchise: The League Negotiate a 1-yr contract with any team in your 5th NFL season, strive for highest tier of prestige on the Road to 99. New position mechanics (QB, WR, RB, CB, MLB) enabled by FieldSENSE* & player-focused cams add gameplay depth. ...
¡Entra en los libros de historia en Madden NFL 23! Controla el impacto de tus decisiones con más opciones. Asume el mando en Franchise con actualizaciones de la agencia libre y la lógica comercial, entra en los libros de historia en Face of the Fra
【Madden NFL22】看小将如何叱咤风云——Face to Franchise 1.6万 19 1:10:19 App EP.4—成功进入NFL!纽约喷气机队!首场比赛就要加时?我好菜!【Madden NFL22】看小将如何叱咤风云——Face to Franchise 6009 18 36:58 App EP.0—新篇章!【Madden NFL22】看小将如何叱咤风云——Face to Franchise 1512 4 ...
Madden NFL 21: Face of the Franchise: Rise to Fame: Directed by Michael Young. With Cooper Andrews, Jasmeet Baduwalia, Danielle Bisutti, Rickey Eugene Brown.
자유 계약과 트레이드 로직 업데이트로 Franchise에서 결단을 내리고, Face of the Franchise: The League에서 역사에 남을 커리어를 만들고, Madden Ultimate Team™에서 가장 강력한 로스터를 조합하세요....