Rice is the most important staple in Madagascar and can make up 60% of the daily diet (Golden et al.,2019). Rice is cultivated either on rainfed or on irrigated plots. On steep land, farmers use swidden agriculture for cultivating rainfed rice (Malagasy:tavy): one cultivation period (one ...
Population genetic structure, boundaries, and relationships To identify the most likely number of genetic groups (K) in the entire AFLP data set, we applied the K-means clustering technique of Hartigan and Wong (1979) using the R script of Arrigo et al. (2010). Based on initial trials, ...
Population genetic structure, boundaries, and relationships To identify the most likely number of genetic groups (K) in the entire AFLP data set, we applied theK-means clustering technique ofHartigan and Wong (1979)using the R script ofArrigo et al. (2010). Based on initial trials, the numbe...