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The series subverts this trope, as successive flashbacks reveal more about his real motivations. Icchan from Kidou Tenshi Angelic Layer is often mistaken for a Mad Scientist; he seems to encourage it, making over-the-top dramatic entrances, speaking cryptically about his creations whenever he can...
Tesla's Death Ray: A Murder Declassified (TV Series) Mad Scientist on Long Island (2018) Jeff Wilburn: Narrator It looks like we don't have any photos or quotes yet. Be the first to contribute! Add a photo or add a quote. See also Release Dates | Official Sites | Company ...
Think of trying to remember some details about Abraham Lincoln’s life. You try to remember the dates of the Civil War, or what he said in the Emancipation Proclamation. You study the same facts over and over and over again… but it’s just boring, and you quickly forget. But what if...
Get the Larson Scanner kit atthe Evil Mad Scientist shop. :D This entry was posted inEverything Elseand taggedlarson scanner. Bookmark thePermalink. The Expandable Larson Scanner! Bysquall_lineonOctober 13, 2010 “The Larson Scanner rocks, but it’s too short!” ...
Jargle Scientist, Jay-Z, Juicy Jr.'s Triple Pounder Announcer, Kilowog, King of all Cosmos, Kirby's Star Tours Announcer, Ko-Bee, Kobe Bryant, LeBron James, Lex Luthor, Lotso, MAD Ask the Celebrity Announcer, Magic Magic Marker Announcer, Mime, Mr. T, Odin, Office Manager, Philip Bank...
Notes: Lon Ryden’s design for Emil Strangeways, Ph.D., the mad scientist whose questionable research lies behind the adventures of the four heroines in Study Abroad. Lon has designed him with a look suitable to his twisted nature. Back to top. Artist: Dark Vanessa Accession Date: September...
Amazon Unbox, sometimes branded as Amazon Unbox Video Downloads, was an early way to download and watch digital copies of movies and TV shows. The service even had a tie-in with Tivo. The word “unbox” has a double meaning. First, that consumers love to open, or “unbox” physical pu...
Here is the top side of the TV-B-Gone PCB, after the battery holders have been removed. The big circular spot at the left is connected to the same “ground” as the circle on the other side. The little square by the label “C1” is the +6 V terminal. ...
Dave D'Alessio is an ex-industrial chemist, ex-TV engineer, and ex-award-winning animator currently masquerading as a social scientist. His more than twenty previously published stories include "The Twenty-Year Reich," finalist for the Sidewise Award for best alternative history short story of ...