Online functionality will be retired on October 31, 2020. Become Mad Max, the lone warrior in a savage post-apocalyptic world where cars are the key to survival. In this action-packed, open world, third person action game, you must fight to stay alive in The Wasteland, using brutal on-...
Online functionality will be retired on October 31, 2020. Become Mad Max, the lone warrior in a savage post-apocalyptic world where cars are the key to survival. In this action-packed, open world, third person action game, you must fight to stay alive in The Wasteland, using brutal on-...
Vanaf 31 oktober 2020 is de online functie niet meer beschikbaar. Speel als Mad Max, de eenzame krijger in een woeste post-apocalyptische wereld waar auto's de sleutel tot overleving zijn. In deze met actie gevulde, open wereld-, third person actiegame moet je vechten om in leven te bl...
扮演Mad Max,末日浩劫后那个以车为生存之本的荒蛮世界中的孤胆战士。在这令人无限期待的开放式世界中,以第三视角的动作游戏模式,你必须在Wasteland中活下来,并用各种无情的载具碾碎那些残暴的土匪团伙。Max,这位打不垮的英雄和生还者,欲将一切疯狂抛在脑后,只为在寓言中的“静谧之原”寻找到属于自己的那份慰藉...
Become Mad Max, the lone warrior in a savage post-apocalyptic world where cars are the key to survival. In this action-packed, open-world game, you must fight to stay alive in The Wasteland, using brutal on-ground and vehicular combat against vicious gangs of bandits. A reluctant hero ...
Become Mad Max, a reluctant hero and survivor who wants nothing more than to leave the madness behind and find solace. Survive in the The Wasteland and...
Online functionality will be retired on October 31, 2020. Become Mad Max, the lone warrior in a savage post-apocalyptic world where cars are the key to survival. In this action-packed, open world, third person action game, you must fight to stay alive in The Wasteland, using brutal on-...
Play MAD & MAX alone or with a partner while controlling both in the same car, you're going to kick the bucket. READ MORE AI Generated Content Disclosure The developers describe how their game uses AI Generated Content like this: Good morning everyone :), In...
Informacje o Mad Max Xbox One (EU) Zostań Mad Maxem, samotnym wojownikiem w dzikim postapokaliptycznym świecie, w którym samochody są kluczem do przetrwania. W tej pełnej akcji trzecioosobowej grze akcji z otwartym światem musisz walczyć o przetrwanie na Pustkowiu, wy...
Mad Max created 1 year ago•8 titles Mad Max created 1 year ago•8 titles Post Apocalyptic & Dystopian Societies created 2 years ago•9 titles Drama/suspense/Ação created 4 years ago•211 titles List IMDb's 2025 TV Guide ...