“Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga,” directed by George Miller, delivers a powerful sequel that not only honors its predecessor but expands the universe in thrilling new ways. Anya Taylor-Joy takes on the role of Furiosa, originally brought to life by Charlize Theron in “Fury Road,” with exceptio...
Furiosa: A Mad Max Sagais the latest in theMad Max franchiseand followsMad Max: Fury Road(2015) which introduced the character of Imperator Furiosa (played by Charlize Theron). WhereasFury RoadvibedSmokey and the Bandit(1977) with its video game-like structured narrative,Furiosatakes itself more...
Furiosatakes place across 15 years and is told in a series of chapters, which ladles on the mythic schtick but unsettles the narrative flow. That said, anyone looking for Chekhov in aMad Maxfilm is clearly barking up the wrong tree.Furiosais another insight into the fantastic mind...
Title: Furiosa: A Mad Max SagaYear: 2024Country: Australia, USALanguage: EnglishGenre: Action, AdventureDirector: George MillerScreenwriters: George Miller, Nico LathourisMusic: Tom HolkenborgCinematography: Simon DugganEditors: Eliot Knapman, Margaret SixelCast:Anya Taylor-JoyChris HemsworthTom BurkeL...
George Miller's "Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga" is an ingenious, eye-popping prequel to his near-perfect action romp "Mad Max: Fury Road." Review.
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Furiosamarks the first time theMad Maxseries has moved beyond the titular character, even though it can be argued thatMad Max: Fury Roadwas really a Furiosa film that needed theMad Maxname for it to be marketable. The previousMad Maxwere short and sharp affairs, the first film was a dyst...
“Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga” may be the first of the franchise not to feature Mad Max himself, but his world awaits him as this film is sure to inspire many to rewatch the one which preceded it.Robin's Review: BFuriosa (Anya Taylor-Joy) was taken from the Green Place of Many ...
Furiosa 叛逃,是要回家。而 Angharad 们的叛逃,是为对个体说奴役的抗争,是自我的觉醒。 Angharad 是第一个说服其它女性逃走的。途中她用自己的身体护住 Max 以致于自己牺牲。 Cheedo 在 Angharad 死后一度想要放弃,嘴里叨念着「他会原谅我们,我们可以重新做回他的好女孩」。失去了精神领袖和带头人,有不情愿,有...
Now Miller picks up his own gauntlet. The result isFuriosa, starring Anya Taylor-Joy: a prequel, the focus nudged from here to there. Last time round, Tom Hardy’s deadpan Max ceded much of the movie to righteous heroine Furiosa, then played by Charlize Theron. Nine years on, it is he...