The Mad Hatter is a Fantasyland shop selling Mickey Mouse Ear Hats and a variety of novelty headwear in Disneyland Park at the Disneyland Resort in California.
The Mad Hatter is a supporting character from Disney's 1951 animated feature film Alice in Wonderland. Named for his dotty demeanor and oversized, green top hat, he is an elderly man that Alice encounters in Wonderland. The Hatter and his best friend, th
Disneyland Park Fantasyland Guest Must Be Any Height Age Interest All Ages Accessibility and Other Information Skip to Wonderland and board a colourful teacup for a merry mad spin around a giant teapot. Mad Hatter's Tea Cups: don't be late for this very important date!
Guide to Mad Hatter's Tea Cups at Disneyland Paris, the Fantasyland spinning tea cups party ride based on Disney's Alice in Wonderland in Disneyland Park. Includes guided tour, tips, photos, information, advice, history, secrets, pictures, video, trivia
坐進巨型彩繪茶杯,在色彩繽紛的仙境中隨著音樂瘋狂旋轉。一起來幻想世界舉行盛大的「非生日派對」吧!迪士尼《愛麗斯夢遊仙境》充滿節日氣氛的音樂響起,茶杯便會開始在場中前後移動和旋轉,近50個紙燈籠在頭上漫天飛舞,令這場別開生面的派對更添色彩。 旋轉杯 ...
Mad Hatter's Tea Cups Disneyland Park Paris 提交需等待时间 Historical queue times (2025-02-14) Date 游玩项目数据 目前等待时间 10 分钟 开启日期 1992-04-12 游玩时间长度 2分,0 秒 承载车辆数 18 一车辆承载人数 4 每小时平均接待人数 1700 项目类型 Spinning Tea Cups 坐标点 48.8744, 2.77518...