Macross Plus: The Movie still dazzles now, a film that somehow manages to combine plane dogfights and space duels (think Star Wars meets Top Gun); a melancholy drama about former friends tormented by their ruined past; and an AI pop-goddess who seems far less fantastical in the age of Hat...
勇、卡尔德和谬是从小在伊甸行星一起长大的老朋友。勇与卡尔德以航空事业为职志,谬则希望成为歌手。然而,当三人在高中毕业时,因为一次不预期的意外,使得三人就此各分东西。而谬也为此放弃了成为歌手的理想,成为一个现实的商人。 2040年,为了替换雷霆式战斗机,统合军
超时空要塞吧 关注:69,967贴子:1,620,498 看贴 图片 吧主推荐 视频 玩乐 1 2 3 下一页 尾页 30回复贴,共3页 ,跳到 页确定 <返回超时空要塞吧MACROSS PLUS THE MOVIE看得我毛骨悚然 只看楼主收藏回复 火焰巴萨拉 移民船团 6 加鲁德的死法太恐怖了先是骨头碎掉然后眼球都爆了。。� 送...
Macross Plus Movie Edition 2 hrs 00 mins Special Event From the minds of vision creator Shoji Kawamori and co-director Shinichiro Watanabe, and featuring renowned composer Yoko Kanno, MACROSS PLUS MOVIE EDITION is an action-packed animated masterpiece made for the big screen! In the year 2040,...
Macross Plus: Created by Shôji Kawamori. With Edward Mannix, Bryan Cranston, Michael Forest, Paris Themmen. Two old friends/rivals find themselves rival test pilots in competing projects while a mutual old flame returns to them with her own secrets.
Macross Delta the Movie: Absolute Live!!!6 characters assigned Macross Frontier29 characters assigned Macross Δ Movie: Gekijou no Walküre2 characters assigned Macross Plus10 characters assigned Macross Zero10 characters assigned The Super Dimension Fortress Macross: Do You Remember Love?11 characters...
1982年初代“超时空要塞Macross”(超时空要塞マクロス)放送以来,总共作品:3部TV,5部OVA,5部Movie,更兼有相关音乐,玩具模型,游戏发表。“可变战机Valkyrie”(バルキリー)、“歌”以及“三角关系之爱恋”成为 Macross系列永恒不变的主题。 9.6分 897人评分 评分 番剧频道 追番...
Macross Plus Movie Edition Macross 7(with 3 OVA episodes) Macross 7 the Movie: The Galaxy's Calling Me! Macross Dynamite 7 Macross Zero Macross Frontier Macross Frontier: The False Songstress Macross Frontier: The Wings of Farewell Macross Frontier Short Film: Labyrinth of Time ...
Macross Δ Movie: Gekijou no Walküre2 characters assigned Macross Plus10 characters assigned Macross Zero10 characters assigned The Super Dimension Fortress Macross: Do You Remember Love?11 characters assigned Similar You might also like Same Tags ...'s funny because I had actually decided to watch the "movie" edition for maybe the third time over the last weekend...and I actually found what turned out to be the "pre-show" as an extra on the Macross Plus BD that came out a few years if you have that ...