A couple of weeks ago, one of my macros that I had been using for about a year just stopped working. There was no explanation. It just stopped working. Then another one died, and another. I am finally down to none of the macros I recorded in Word working. I use these about 20 tim...
After updating Office my macros stopped working for WORD (but they worked in Excel). Did an internet search which said that the problem might be in the Trurst options, so I verified that my settings were correct.Called Ahamed who took control of my computer. He uninstalled WORD and re-ins...
its all very well to take surveys about IDEs etc when macros suddenly no longer even work in VS 2005. I've tried downloading the SP1 etc but no luck. very annoying and another MS incompetence. Bruce December 22, 2007 My macros also stopped working. I use them mainly for repetitive fo...
I reported a bug, but was directed to this feature request, which I totally disagree: it is an important feature that stopped working (classic definition of bug). I can't accept that this behaviour is by design too, and no macros can have inline comments: expands and panels, for instance...
When I open a word document from excel I need to disable AutoOpen and AutoClose events. However I cannot get "DisableAutoMacros" or anything else to work.I tried wrdApp.WordBasic.DisableAutoMacros 1 'gave an error that the member was not found, I assume that's the DisableAutoMacros...
Check that the word "Shared" appears in the Excel title bar at the top. Open the Visual Basic Editor and try and open the VBProject. You should see a message saying "Project is Unviewable". Resave the Workbook as an Add-in - Not Working ...
“Can’t they develop a better way of exchanging intelligence information than emailing Word documents around? With macros enabled?” Snort! Pull back the curtain on omniscient NSA and find…. everyone sipping the Window$ Kool-Aid and “working like we work at home”. How very embarrasing for...
Macro expansion and data step execution are interleaving processes controlled by the word scanner. This is demonstrated in the following example. %Macro Mac1; %Put "inside macro: 1"; DATA DS_Sample1; Put "inside data step :"; Call symput('macvar1','XXXXX'); %Put "inside macro: macro...
its all very well to take surveys about IDEs etc when macros suddenly no longer even work in VS 2005. I've tried downloading the SP1 etc but no luck. very annoying and another MS incompetence. Anonymous December 22, 2007 My macros also stopped working. I use them mainly for repetitive fo...
The error message shown when inserting a Control in Word 2007 is: "The program used to create this object is Forms. That program is not installed on your computer. To edit this object, you must install a program that can open the object." ...