MyEconLab saves time by automatically grading questions and tracking results in an online grade book. After registering for MyEconLab, instructors also access downloadable supplements. Communication tools in MyEconLab foster collaboration, class participation, and group w...
Facebook's attempt to launch its digital currency, initially called Libra and later rebranded as Diem, came alarmingly close to becoming a reality. Richard recounts, “Facebook had gotten really far down the curve on getting this established. They'd got Visa and Mastercard to agree to be pa...
Book info: Title: Macroeconomics Authors: Campbell McConnell (Author), Stanley Brue (Author), Sean Flynn (Author) Edition: 19 Publication Date: January 12,
Multiple-Choice Section Section I: Multiple-Choice Questions Section II: Free-Response Questions Multiple-Choice Answer Key Free-Response Scoring Guidelines Scoring Worksheet Note: This publication shows the page numbers that appeared in the 2011−12 AP Exam Instructions book and in the actual exam....
InternationalMacroeconomicsand Finance:TheoryandEmpiricalMethods NelsonC.Mark December12,2000 forthcoming,BlackwellPublishers i ToShirley,Laurie,andLesli ii Preface Thisbookgrewoutofmylecturenotesforagraduatecourseinin- ternationalmacroeconomicsandÞnancethatIteachattheOhioState University.Thebookistargetedtowards...