Medical Definition macrocytosis noun mac·ro·cy·to·sisˌmak-rə-sī-ˈtō-səs, -rə-sə- pluralmacrocytoses-ˌsēz :the occurrence ofmacrocytesin the blood Love words? Need even more definitions? Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more...
Define macrocytosis. macrocytosis synonyms, macrocytosis pronunciation, macrocytosis translation, English dictionary definition of macrocytosis. n. pl. mac·ro·cy·to·ses The presence of macrocytes in the blood. mac′ro·cy·tot′ic adj. American Herit
Definition of Macrocytosis The best definition ofmacrocytosisis red blood cell mean cell volume (MCV) that is higher than the expected value for any individual patient. Clinicians who rely on laboratory reported ranges such as 80 to 100 fL will make errors in diagnosis because the MCV is affec...
However, only 16.7% of 60 macrocytosis patients were diagnosed as having PA by the WHO definition. Only 16.7% of oral mucosal disease patients with macrocytosis are discovered to have PA by the WHO definition.doi:10.1016/j.jfma.2015.03.015...