Event Handlers:If your workbook contains event handlers (e.g., Worksheet Change events), they might be firing with each cell selection, causing lag. Ensure that event handlers are necessary and well-optimized. Conditional Formatting:Excessive or complex conditional formatting rules can slow down ...
Indeed, only preventive actions can provide us with100% secure measure to hold on to our hard work on a sophisticated worksheet in Excel. The efforts of doing a real-time backup or keeping an autorecover copy is not only for protecting files from getting corrupted, but lost! Except the ...
Hi Wyn, and thanks for the reply. I just resolved the issue with a paste special. BUT, I have another issue you may be able to help me with. I have a user form to search previous records in a table on another sheet named "data base" and load them in to a worksheet. The form...
st: RE: How do I import a macro-enabled Excel worksheet into Stata 12? From: "Radwin, David" <dradwin@rti.org> Prev by Date: RE: st: table formatting in stata Next by Date: Re: st: problem using "vselect" Previous by thread: st: RE: How do I import a macro-enabled Excel...
If you have a corrupt macro-enabled Excel file linked with another workbook or worksheet in the same workbook, you can use external references to recover its data. However, it will not recover formulae or calculated values. Follow the steps below to use references – ...
When I try to calculate one formula (Basically change one of the parameters in the worksheet that results in excel to initiate calculation), an arbitrary excel worksheet seems to be tangled with the current worksheet like the picture below. ...
Private Sub CommandButton3_Click() ' laods record into work sheet ' ' Clearing user worksheet before loading Sheets("user").Select Range("D4").Select Selection.ClearContents Range("D6:E14").Select Selection.ClearContents Range("F4").Select ...
Hi, I have 39 different worksheets in one excel file and I have simple VBA codes that basically hides/unhides or protects chosen worksheets. When I try to calculate one formula (Basically cha... JKPieterseHey there, I have been searching the internet left right and center to...
Excel Display Issue When Working w/ Multiple Sheet & Macro Enabled Woorkbook Hi, I have 39 different worksheets in one excel file and I have simple VBA codes that basically hides/unhides or protects chosen worksheets. When I try to calculate one formula (Basically cha......