(4)对P1, P2, P3取平均得到P, 对R1, R2, R3取平均得到R, 对F1_1, F1_2, F1_3求平均得到F1: P = (P1+P2+P3)/3 = (1/2 + 0 + 1/3 = 1/2 R = (R1+R2+R3)/3=(1 +0 +1)/3 = 2/3 F1 = 2*P*R/(P+R) = 4/7 4. PRF值-权重(Weighted) weighted计算方法就是对于macro...
⑤'weighted': 对每一类别的f1_score进行加权平均,权重为各类别数在y_true中所占比例。 Calculate metrics for each label, and find their average, weighted by support (the number of true instances for each label). This alters ‘macro’ to account for label imbalance; it can result in an F-sco...
多分类的评价指标PRF(Macro-F1MicroF1weighted)详解 也许是由于上学的时候⼀直搞序列标注任务,多分类任务⼜可以简化为简单的⼆分类任务,所以⼀直认为PRF值很简单,没啥好看的。然鹅,细看下来竟有点晦涩难懂,马篇博留个念咯~前⾔ PRF值分别表⽰准确率(Precision)、召回率(Recall)和F1值(F1-...
weighted F1值 由于macro F1为多个F1值的算数平均数,当样本不平衡的时候,macro F1会给所有类赋予相同的权重(在sklearn给的上述例子中就是都赋予1 / 3的权重) 在样本不平衡的时候,有时我们希望根据每个类别的样本数量,给不同的类赋予不同的权重,这就是weighted-F1,例如,假设一共有3个类,它们对应的数量分别为...
⑤'weighted': 对每一类别的f1_score进行加权平均,权重为各类别数在y_true中所占比例。 Calculate metrics for each label, and find their average, weighted by support (the number of true instances for each label). This alters ‘macro’ to account for label imbalance; it can result in an F-...
(Adam) and a fixed learning rate of 1e-3. After initial experimentation, the maximum number of epochs was set to 15 with a batch size of 8 to match the hardware constraints. Gradient clipping was employed based on the global\(l_2\)-norm with a gradient threshold of 331. Weighted ...
最后计算 Macro F1, F1A= 0.5, F1B= 0.6, F1C= 0.67, F1D= 0.75, Macro F1 = (F1A+F1B+F1C+F1D)/4 = 0.63. Weighted Average 从计算的角度讲,先对每个类求值,再取平均得到Macro Average会比较容易.但是当数据集中存在严重类别不平衡的问题时,就不适宜单纯使用Macro Average.此时可以采取weighted av...
最后计算 Macro F1, F1A= 0.5, F1B= 0.6, F1C= 0.67, F1D= 0.75, Macro F1 = (F1A+F1B+F1C+F1D)/4 = 0.63. Weighted Average 从计算的角度讲,先对每个类求值,再取平均得到Macro Average会比较容易.但是当数据集中存在严重类别不平衡的问题时,就不适宜单纯使用Macro Average.此时可以采取weighted av...