This is a small VBA code to help you in dealing withProtectingandUnProtectingthe WorkSheet using Excel Macro. Assuming the fact here that you knowHow to Protect or UnProtect a Sheet using Excel In-Built function. For those who do not know protect or unprotect the sheet using Excel inbuilt fu...
I tried to make a macro, by recording a macro, that was supposed to Protect a workbook with an encrypted password when a certain condition was met. The problem is, that it seems not to be able to re... mtarlerThank you. This runs neatly. But what I needed is not protection ...
Could your macro be changed to have the function be: File-Info-Protect Workbook-Encrypt with Password? egillhelgaso this appears to be the same as the Save As option except with the Save As option you can select a PW for open (encryption) and a different PW for edit. ...
Private Sub Workbook_Open()Dim wSheet As Worksheet For Each wSheet In Worksheets wSheet.Protect Password:="Secret", _ UserInterFaceOnly:=True Next wSheet End Sub Now, each time you open the Workbook, the code will run and set theUserInterfaceOnlytoTrueallowing your macros to operatewhile still...
Re: macro to password protect exel file Look at help on the Workbook.SaveAs command. Password is one of the arguments. Sub PasswordFiles() Dim sFname as String, sPath as String sPath = "C:\My Folder\" sFname = Dir(sPath & "*.xls") do While sFname <> "" Workbooks.Open sPath...
If you prefer to use UserInterFaceOnly, the code should be placed in the Workbook_Open event. This is because the workbook loses the UserInterFaceOnly setting after reopening. Option Explicit Private Sub Workbook_Open() Sheet1.Protect Password:="mypw", UserInterFaceOnly:=True End Sub Share Im...
Target.Worksheet.Protect"MyPassword"Application.EnableCancelKey=xlInterruptEndSub Force-Close Excel with the Windows Task Manager If the macro has ‘hung’, or Excel has become too busy to acknowledge an interrupt attempt, you may need to force-close Excel itself with theWindows Task Manager. (...
PasswordEncryptionProvider Path Permission PersonalViewListSettings PersonalViewPrintSettings PivotTables PrecisionAsDisplayed ProtectStructure ProtectWindows PublishObjects ReadOnly ReadOnlyRecommended RemovePersonalInformation Research RevisionNumber Routed RoutingSlip Saved SaveLinkValues ServerPolicy ServerViewableItems ...
A.xlsxfile cannot have macros. In my test, the VB editor is not disabled, there are just no macros in the file to show. If you have macros enabled in Excel settings, then the workbook may still need to be in a Trusted Location for Excel to allow macros to run. ...
WorkbookClass Constructors Properties Methods _PrintOut _Protect _SaveAs AcceptAllChanges Activate AddToFavorites ApplyTheme BreakLink CanCheckIn ChangeFileAccess ChangeLink CheckIn CheckInWithVersion Close DeleteNumberFormat Dummy16 Dummy17 Dummy26 Dummy27 EnableConnections EndReview ExclusiveAccess ExportAsF...