Macro Recorder 也是一个 Web 记录器,可以自动执行浏览器中的任何操作。 鼠标记录器 Macro Recorder 包括一个Mouse Recorder,用于捕捉您的鼠标移动、点击和滚轮操作。 键盘录音机 Macro Recorder 还包括一个键盘记录器,用于记录您的文本和键盘输入以进行无限重播。 自动化软件测试 Macro Recorder 是自动化软件测试的完美...
支持macOSVentura 13.x 软件界面 Macro Recorder Enterprise for mac像磁带录音机一样捕捉鼠标事件和按键,记录您在计算机上自动执行的繁琐过程。 Macro Recorder Enterprise破解教程 Macro Recorder Enterprise破解版下载完成后,将软件拖动到右侧的应用程序中 打开软件,点击help,点击Register ...
Macro Recorder是一款在Windows系统下运行的宏录制软件,它能够自动记录和回放用户在计算机上的操作序列,从而帮助用户自动化重复性任务,提升工作效率。 官网:Macro Recorder for Windows/Mac 一、主要功能 1.宏录制:Macro Recorder可以捕捉并记录用户在屏幕上执行的所有动作,如鼠标点击、键盘输入、窗口操作等。 2.宏编辑:...
Apple macOS 11.0 "Big Sur" - 14.0 "Sonoma" If you have purchased a license, make sure to backup the installation file as your license is valid for all software versions that have been released during your personal maintenance term only and we do not maintain an archive. ...
Macro Recorder Enterprise for Mac是一款高效实用的自动化工具,它可以帮助Mac用户记录和重复执行重复性任务,从而节省时间和提高工作效率。Macro Recorder Enterprise for Mac最大的特点就是可以记录鼠标和键盘操作,自动执行复杂的任务并完成常规的操作。
• 支持 64 位 macOS • CSV 文件导出 • 参数递增或随机化功能。 Macro Recorder captures mouse events and keystrokes like a tape recorder, allowing you to automate tedious procedures on your computer. Press Record. Perform the actions. ...
WindowsMacOS When you record a macro, the macro recorder records all the steps in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) code. These steps can include typing text or numbers, clicking cells or commands on the ribbon or on menus, formatting cells, rows, or columns, or even importing d...
Auto Macro Recorder是一款功能强大的自动化应用编写工具,它能够通过录制键盘和鼠标操作来记录和播放用户的...
Coded with Python, PyMacroRecord is one of the best free macro recorder you will find. Noads, nopremium, everythingFREE Overview PyMacroRecord works with a GUI made using tkinter, making it easier for users to interact with it. Features ...
Coded with Python, PyMacroRecord is one of the best free macro recorder you will find. No ads, no premium, everything FREE Overview PyMacroRecord works with a GUI made using tkinter, making it easier for users to interact with it. Features Very easy to use Free. No limitations. No...