function和macro都可以在CMakeLists.txt文件中定义和调用。在调用时,function和macro的参数传递方式不同。function的参数传递采用传值方式,而macro的参数传递采用文本替换方式。 另外,function和macro的作用域也有所不同。在CMake中,function的作用域是局部作用域,而macro的作用域是全局作用域。这意味着在function中定义...
One pro of using the inline keyword is that you get a check of the types of the arguments via the function prototype. Using macros you get nothing like that, so macros are liable to create strange errors if you put things of the wrong type in them. (Not nearly as horrible as ...
#include<iostream>voidFunction_1(){std::cout<<"Function_1 called\n";}voidFunction_2(){std::cout<<"Function_1 called\n";}/* ... */voidFunction_100(){std::cout<<"Function_100 called\n";}#define MACROS_TABLE \X_MACROS(Condition_1, Function_1) \X_MACROS(Condition_2, Function_2)...
Macro #define function syntax got "Expected expression before '{' token." I am using#defineto define a set of parameters so that I could just call the defined name in themain()later. However, I got "expected expression before '{' token" in line 1. I wonder whether my sy...
cmake中的宏(macro)和函数(function)都支持动态参数 变量ARGC记录传入的参数个数 变量ARGV0,ARGV1,...顺序代表传入的参数 变量ARGV则是一个包含所有传入参数的list 变量ARGN也是一个包含传入参数的list,但不是所有参数,而是指macro/function声明的参数之后的所有传入参数 ...
NR.2: Don't insist to have only a single return-statement in a function NR.2:不要坚持一个函数中只包含一个返回语句Reason...单返回规则可能导致不必要的纠缠代码,并引入额外的状态变量。特别是,单返回规则使将错误检查集中在函数顶部变得更加困难。...positive"; return "zero"; } to use...
宏(Macro)本质上就是代码片段,通过别名来使用。在编译前的预处理中,宏会被替换为真实所指代的代码片段,即下图中 Preprocessor 处理的部分。 C/C++ 代码编译过程 - 图片来自 根据用法的不同,分两种,Object-like 和 Function-like。前者用于 Object 对象,后者用于函数方法。
voidshowSelectedFun(){std::cout<<"Select to use common function"<<std::endl;} 对应的cmake如下: 代码语言:javascript 复制 add_library(common_fun CommonFun.cpp) 模块SpecifiedFun,内容如下: 代码语言:javascript 复制 voidshowSelectedFun(){std::cout<<"Select to use specified function"<<std::endl...
This is often used to include header files To call the macro, you simply specify the macro name in the code, which is substituted for the content it is defined Function macro Macro with parameters is also known as the macro function. The use of macros can improve the efficiency of the ...
Macro programming function for milling inside hemisphere 铣削内半球加工的宏程序 8. Application of the Macro-programming in Turning for Non-circular Cure 宏程序在非圆曲线轮廓车削中的应用 9. Language-sensitive macro programming with Scheme 使用Scheme编写对语言敏感的宏