Here's a simple example that uses Shield Bash in Defensive or Battle Stance, but switches into Defensive Stance if you're in Berserker: /cast [stance:1/2] Shield Bash; Defensive Stance This can be simplified to pseudo-code English as "IF currently in stance 1 OR in stance 2 then use ...
/macrolib cast [e:Shields] Shield Bash; Pummel /macrolib equipslot [mod:alt] 16 Julie's Dagger; 16 Krol Blade /macrolib seticon [t:mo,mod:shift] Skull;[t:mo, nomod] Cross; [t:mo] None Typing "/macrolib" command in-game will print a manual.CurseForge...
/cast [mod:shift,spec:3,talent:7/3] Inquisition; [mod:shift,talent:2/3] Bastion of Light; [mod:alt,spec:3] Templar's Verdict; [mod:alt] Shield of the Righteous; Crusader Strike/startattack3 Ret, 3 ProtRet: Justicar's Vengenace/Word of Glory (alt), Eye for an Eye (mod), ...