Factor InvestingDiversificationFactor CompletionInvestors face similar macroeconomic risks and opportunities regardless of their individual investment preferences. To best navigate growth and inflation concerSwade, AlexanderLohre, HaraldShackleton, Mark B.
They withstood years of external and internal economic shocks. Due to the large and ever-growing gap in the labour force shift, the Japanese started importing more food and ingredients to accommodate for the change in employment to the manufacturing and services (financial, mainly) sector. They ...
We can interpret these results as the more influence managers perceive civil service and the education system to have, the better their Operationality is; this factor’s association is significantly weaker than with FCI, most likely because the education leg of the factor influences Operationality ...
According to the managers, the action plan represents with high precision the most urgent needs of the organization, respecting its work capacity and available resources for a project to improve the use of IT and its governance. Keywords: qualitative research; case study; governance; information ...