The field of economics is typically divided into two broad sections, microeconomics and macroeconomics. Each is meant to represent a different scope for viewing economic problems and understanding the functioning of economies. Explore this article 1Economics Economics is the study of how goods and serv...
mac·ro·ele·ments (mak'rō-el'ĕ-ments), Inorganic nutrients needed in relatively high daily amounts (that is, more than 100 mg per day), for example, calcium, phosphorus, sodium. Synonym(s):macrominerals Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 ...
The red chromatin and pigment is more coarse and concentrated in the macrogametocytes than the microgametocytes. Malaria diagnosis: still a challenge in non-endemic countries The size of the parasites was from 1 to 4[micro]m, and based on size and basophilia we identified at least 2 different...
the third member of epidemiologic triad or the environmental factors such as climate, temperature, humidity, micro-and macro-environment, topography, zoogeography, host
(def-synonym-function synonym original) (def-pipe-function function-name (input-stream output-stream &rest other-args) &body body) (def-enumerated-value-domain control &rest data) (let-gensyms symbols &body body) This one is a very common idiom, except it's usually called something else....
The term "isolation membrane" is also used as a synonym of phagophore. The phagophore then closes to form a double-membraned vacuole, known as the autophagosome. Autophagosomes use dynein motors to move along microtubules towards the microtubule- organizing center, where they fuse with lysosomes...
parapari (synonym for Syllis cornuta) and the sessile epifauna Phoronis psammophila. This biocoenosis has been reported some time ago for some unpolluted sites on the French Mediterranean coast, characterized by low hydrodynamic energy, fine sediment and freshwater contributions from the mouth of ...
Macrosemimimus (Lepidotes) lennieri from the early Kimmeridgian of Cap de la H猫ve, France, including Lepidotes toombsi from the Lower Kimmeridge Clay in Cambridgeshire, England, as a junior synonym, also belong to the new genus. Though different species, the presence of the same fish ...
(Fries1823). Later, Castagne erected the genusDarlucaand treatedSphaeria filumas a synonym ofDarluca vagans(Castagne1851). However, in 1966 Eriksson considered the epithet “vagans” superfluous and prioritized “filum” over “vagans” (Eriksson1966). In 1908, Spegazzini consideredEudarluca car...
(Kanwal and Reddy2012; Liu and Guo2009). In laboratory cultivation ofPolyporus umbellatus(synonymGrifola umbellata), carbon sources, such as maltose, fructose, glucose, and glycerol, could be determining factors affecting sclerotial formation (Cheng et al.2006; Xing et al.2011); nitrogen sources ...