麦考瑞大学(英语:Macquarie University)位于澳大利亚新南威尔斯州悉尼西北郊的莱德市,距离最近的城镇埃平(Epping)仅五分钟车程。校总区距离市中心有18公里,占地面积达135公顷;创校历史虽然不足60年,但由于办学积极进取,现时是悉尼大都会排名第三的澳大利亚大学。 麦考瑞大学在全澳的评鉴经常名列前十大。2007年,麦大被...
To be considered for this scholarship, applicants are required to complete a nomination form and hold a valid offer letter to study at Macquarie University.Applicants must complete an onlineapplication formand type “VCIS” in the Scholarship Name field and submit theirstudent number as outline on ...
According to the official website of Macquarie University, the current tuition fee for the Master ...
Macquarie University is one of the famous higher education institutions in Australia. The Master of ...