人均:37元 电话:02-98892175 地址:Macquarie Shopping Centre, Shop 90A, Cnr Herring and Waterloo Rd, North Ryde, NSW 2113点评(6条) 3分 评分: 发表 可以输入1000字 2013-08-12 00:00来自携程 网友 Premium milk tea with herbal jelly is yummy.. 2013-07-17 00:00来自携程 网友 Get there early...
...学(Macquarie University)、和麦觉理购物中心(Macquarie Shopping Centre),预计2008年竣工。 skill-labour.blog.163.com|基于46个网页 2. 麦考瑞购物中心 ...学(Macquarie University)、和麦考瑞购物中心(Macquarie Shopping Centre)为缓解北部地区的交通压力做出了一定贡献。
点评用户“FrancesSaki”对【一风堂(macquarie shopping centre)】的评价:路过一风堂,过了点不排队了就进来吃一碗吧~结果还是挺失望的,因为在日本的真的很好吃,然而这家…【「豚骨拉面...
Macquarie Park Macquarie Shopping Centre 附近有房出租#滴答网悉尼站##今日悉尼##今日悉尼招租# O网页链接位于171 Herring Road 上的两房一厅Unit 整租。LinkIing bus 就在门口,5分钟进Macquarie Uni,马路对面就是Macquarie shopping center,有小区公园。交通便利,并且在几分钟内就能解决所有生活必需品。两室一厅,...
距离酒店仅需短暂车程的Midway Shopping Centre提供了丰富的购物选择,从日常用品到独特的礼品,应有尽有。而Top Ryde City Shopping Centre则是一个大型购物中心,汇聚了多家知名零售商、餐饮和娱乐设施,适合全家人一起享受购物的乐趣。在这里,您不仅可以尽情购物,还能体验到丰富的美食和休闲活动,确保您的假期充满乐趣与...
O Chicken @ Macquarie Shopping Centre!🍴 快要把Macquarie Food Court给吃遍了,竟然还没吃过这家韩式炸鸡,怎可轻易放过!🇰🇷 今晚狠狠吃起来,因为Aubree又顺利过了溜冰课的考试达到在一个班级,奖励一个鸡腿也很应该的!🍗 辣鸡腿好吃,鸡翅box也不错,鸡柳很柴很一般。这家相对油腻,还是kfc好吃点。 û...
a我星期天购物。我经常弹钢琴。有时我去远足。有时我去补习。我偶而去广场。 I on Sunday shopping.I play the piano frequently.Sometimes I hike.Sometimes I enroll in supplementary lessons.I go to the square by chance.[translate] aIeri alla televisione ho rivisto con piacere un film che avevo...
AMP Capital Shopping Centres Pty. Ltd.DESIGN awardsAWARDSThe article announces that the Macquarie Centre Retail Redevelopment Project by AMP Capital Shopping Centres was a recipient of the DMI: Design Value Awards 2016.doi:10.1111/drev.12056TEAM: AMP Capital Shopping Centres...
If you’re travelling overseas or shopping from an international retailer, the alert will show the spend amount in both the local currency and Australian dollars, so you can be certain of how much you spent For even greater control, set up actionable push notifications with Macquarie Authenticator...