如果一次性删除了很多文件,可以在Finder里按 command + z 撤销上一步的行为的。
Step 1.Open the Trash on your desktop. Step 2.To recover a file or folder, select it and click "Put Back". The file or folder will be restored to its original location. Method 2. Recover Deleted Files on macOS Ventura with Software What if you have emptied Mac Trash?How to recover ...
By dragging this tiny icon, you can move or copy the folder into a different folder or disk, into the Sidebar, into the Trash, or into the Dock without having to first close the window. Tip You have to hold down the mouse button on the folder proxy icon until the icon darkens before...
this strange folder appears over and over again after emptying the trash. I tried to find out what happened but there's no trash can for iCloud Drive existing, so I did start investigating with all I got but found no solution. (Terminal, Automator, Emptying and such) I hope y'all go...
emptytrash.fish - Empties trash and clears system logs fish_greeting.fish - Fish greeting with fish logo fish_prompt.fish - The Classic + Git prompt from the fish web config fisher.fish - Fish plugin manager forrepos.fish - Executes a passed command for all repos in~/repos ...
defaults write com.apple.screencapture location ~/Screenshots 2. How to reset Launchpad layout in macOS Open Terminal and run the following commands: defaults write com.apple.dock ResetLaunchPad -bool true; killall Dock 3. How to empty trash with X11 folder after upgrade to Catalina ...
It is very time consuming for me to have to reread the email and try to remember if I already put it into a folder, in which case I can just delete it. When I delete it, it goes to and stays in trash. The original also remains in the folder into which I originally put it. ...
Log into your old account and navigate to the Library folder for that user, look under those locations for folders named IBM or SPSS or preference files beginning with com.ibm or com.spss and move them to the trash. I can't say for certain that this will fix your issue but it's like...
Be aware that for all intents and purposes this will trash your iTunes installation and may conflict with OS updates down the road.sudo chmod 0000 /Applications/iTunes.appMailShow Attachments as Iconsdefaults write com.apple.mail DisableInlineAttachmentViewing -bool yes...
error -5044 afpInsideTrashErr: the folder being shared is inside the trash folder OR the shared folder is being moved into the trash folder OR the folder is being moved to the trash and it contains a shared folder error -5043 afpInsideSharedErr: the folder being shared is inside a shared...