然后再按“Show Status Bar”。 我们会看到这边,加了一个bar(栏)出来。 然后,我们可以点击右下角的这个东西, hold着,然后像左右移动,它就会变大变小了。 00:01:14 第二个,其实还有多一个方法。 还有一个方法就是在finder这边, 我们right-click,然后,点选“Show View Options”。 然后在“Icon Size”这边...
打开文件AppDelegate.swift,在类中添加属性,这一步是创建一个状态栏按钮,设置宽度属性NSStatusItem.squareLength,代码如下: letstatusItem=NSStatusBar.system.statusItem(withLength:NSStatusItem.squareLength) 状态栏按钮总该需要一个图标吧!打开Assets.xcassets,右击显示AppIcon下方的空白区,选择New Image Set,重命名...
一、在statusBarItem弹出Popover 二、更改Popover背景色 三、在statusBar上控制主窗口的开关 四、在statusBar上控制statusBar的显隐/开关 一、在statusBarItem弹出Popover statusBar弹出menu是比较简单的,但是如果我们要做一些定制,就需要用到Popover了 创建Popover 在AppDelegate文件中,声明一个NSPopover变量(下面的statusB...
1. Add the path bar and status bar Finder doesn't default to showing the path bar and the status bar. The path bar makes it easy to move around the file system. Without the path bar, you have to use either the menu system or keyboard shortcuts to navigate backward, which can waste ...
1.1 权限配置下,新增 customCursorIcon 参数:是否自定义鼠标样式,默认 false 显示系统自带样式,true 时需要根据返回的鼠标位置, 自定义鼠标样式。 调整事件 1.1 自定义鼠标样式时,坐标位置回调(TEB_BOARD_CURSOR_POSITION),用户根据位置,自定义鼠标样式。 新增接口 1.1 是否本地显示自己的别名(setOwnerNickNameVisible)...
We use optional cookies to improve your experience on our websites, such as through social media connections, and to display personalized advertising based on your online activity. If you reject optional cookies, only cookies necessary to provide you the services will be used. You m...
If used with Übersicht interaction enabled, it might be best to set bar.jsx to the background, while status.jsx and spaces.jsx are set to the foreground. Rarely, some app icons may not load correctly (can't locate .icns file or asset in Assets.car, can't find icon name from Info...
New app icon in “Big Sur” style. Re-launching the app while it is running now shows the prefs window instead of unhiding the status bar icon. Only show the step size setting if a scroll wheel is actually used. Updates and corrections to the Czech, Slovak, Spanish and Turkish translatio...
E.g., The tint color of the menu bar icon and the color of the blue unread articles dot. defaults write de.relikd.baRSS colorStatusIconTint -string "#37F" defaults write de.relikd.baRSS colorUnreadIndicator -string "#FBA33A" To backup your list of subscribed feeds, here is a one-...
Added a new secondary click option to change the icon size in the Feeds tab of the Connection Center. A new, simplified, and clean app icon. Updates for version 10.2.13 Published: May 8, 2019 In this release, we made the following changes: ...