黑苹果Macos SONOMA安装过程!610 0 2024-02-05 15:28:44 您当前的浏览器不支持 HTML5 播放器 请更换浏览器再试试哦~1 投币 1 分享 - Aloha Heja He 新年新装备 科技 数码 过程 操作系统 安装 教程 黑苹果 Apple Mac macOS 必剪创作 2024bilibili迎春会格林楠...
3、“NootRX”:指原生不免驱,可通过opencore加载注入lilu.kext+NootRX.kext强制驱动;实际效果相当于免驱; 4、“OCLP”:指部分旧版系统支持的显卡,随着旧mac产品被新系统移除了支持范围后而变得不再免驱。可通过使用OpenCore-Legacy-Patcher 补丁后驱动;该补丁需opencore或clover作应对性调整后才可安装; 5、“Web...
The macOS Sonoma installer is a must for creating a macOS Sonoma Hackintosh computer. You can get it from the App Store or simply download themacOS Sonoma DMGfile. Note that the installer should be added to your Applications folder for later use. Step 2: Create a bootable macOS Sonoma insta...
本文目标是在以下不受支持的 Mac 机型上安装 macOS Big Sur、macOS Monterey、macOS Ventura 和macOS Sonoma。 5. 支持的 Mac 机型 任何支持 SSE4.1 CPU 和 64 位固件的硬件都可以在此修补程序上运行。要检查您的硬件型号,请在终端的适用机器上运行以下命令: system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | grep 'Model ...
找台苹果电脑,在macOS下安装运行OCLP,使用Create macOS Installer下载最新的Sonoma,按提示制作启动U盘。注意:最后提示是否安装OpenCore,一定不要安装。 U盘的EFI分区是隐藏的,要在macOS下安装运行OCAT,挂载U盘的ESP分区,在桌面会出现一个EFI文件夹,就是EFI分区。将事先下载好的EFI文件夹放在U盘的EFI分区。注意:这步容...
随着技术的不断进步,黑苹果(Hackintosh)的安装已经不再是遥不可及的事情。今天,我将向大家分享一个令人振奋的消息:在ThinkPad T430上使用OpenCore成功安装了macOS 14.3 Sonoma。这一成功的实践不仅证明了老电脑也能焕发新生,还为我们提供了一些宝贵的经验和建议。 一、准备工作 在开始之前,我们需要准备以下工具和材料...
Free download macOS Sonoma 14.1 (23B74) Hackintosh Latest full version - Better experience macOS on Windows PC.
The system requirements are good news for Intel Mac owners (and anyone who relies on OpenCore Legacy Patcher to keep their Mac updated or who is still clinging to a Hackintosh). If your Mac was already supported by macOS 14 Sonoma, it's probably capable of running Sequoia. If Apple dumped...
Working Sonoma beta version (AirportItlwm-Sonoma-Preview05.zip) available here. Graphics drivers updated Updated AppleALC, Lilu, VirtualSMC and WhateverGreen may be required. Updated (2.6.8+) version of BluetoolFixup required. New system definition (SMBIOS) requirements - see here Make sure the...
macOS Sonoma (version 14) is the upcoming major release of macOS, Apple’s operating system for Mac computers. The successor to macOS Ventura. What’s New Version 14.4: Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated. Compatibility ...