下载安装完成后,用户需要进入「系统偏好设置 - 安全性与隐私 - 隐私 - 辅助功能」勾选 Cheat Sheet ...
MacOS Unix Command Cheat Sheet Basics Key Combination Shortcuts Change Directory List Directory Contents File size and disk space File and Directory Management Command History Permissions Processes Network Homebrew Environment Variable or Path Search Output...
1 高亮选中文本 (上色,或者叫Text Highlight Color) control + command + h 2 加粗 command + b 资源: https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/microsoft-onenote-keyboard-shortcuts-windows-mac-cheat-sheet/
Quick Reference / Cheat Sheetkeyboard shortcuts (customizable keysandmouse wheel). Reopen closed filesandrecover datain case of crash. Undo/Redo for every operation and support fornon-linear undo. More features & tips There is a list ofKnown Issues(things to be fixed or that aren't yet impl...
Build keyboard shortcut for "minimize all windows of current app except the current window" 1 What is the difference between "Hot Corners" and "Hot Corner Shortcuts"? Hot Network Questions Oh no! Something has gone wrong when I cancel the installation of a package ...
Quick Reference / Cheat Sheet keyboard shortcuts (customizable keys and mouse wheel). Reopen closed files and recover data in case of crash. Undo/Redo for every operation and support for non-linear undo. More features & tips Issues There is a list of Known Issues (things to be fixed or ...
It is a small text editor that you can always access by clicking (or pressing shortcut keys) on its Status bar icon. Overview of FiveNotes for macOS It is a small note-taking app. Great for quick, tiny notes. It can be used as a cheat sheet app (as it can stay on top of ...
To help you boost your productivity when using your Mac, we’re providing you with a cheat sheet featuring all of the top and most important keyboard shortcuts for macOS: Modifier Key Symbols Many keyboard shortcuts include at least one modifier key. It’s important to know what these symbol...
Good move! This Cheat Sheet warns you about six moves to avoid at all costs, gives you a handy reference of keyboard shortcuts that can save you time, teaches you how to navigate the Save As dialog using the Tab key, explains a straightforward protocol for backups, and tells you how ...
As a brief note, this is my IntelliJ IDEA keyboard/keystroke characters cheat sheet for macOS computers. This is the actual cheat sheet I look at on a daily basis, organized in the way I want it organized. # views/tabs/windows [cmd][sh][ previous editor tab [cmd][sh]] next editor ...