第一次正式进入黑苹果系统时, 先找到 Terminal 再运行 sudo spctl --master-disable 命令来开启第三方软件运行权限. 然后运行 U盘里的 OpenCore Configurator, 在其 Tools 菜单项下面选择 Mount EFI, 挂载并打开黑苹果当前硬盘上的 EFI 分区. 将放到 U盘的 EFI 文件夹复制到刚刚挂载的硬盘 EFI 分区中. 这样就可...
> 第一次正式进入黑苹果系统时, 先找到Terminal再运行sudo spctl --master-disable命令来开启第三方软件运行权限. 然后运行 U盘里的OpenCore Configurator, 在其Tools菜单项下面选择Mount EFI, 挂载并打开黑苹果当前硬盘上的EFI分区。 > 将放到 U盘的EFI文件夹复制到刚刚挂载的硬盘EFI分区中. 这样就可以拔掉 U盘直接...
第二次重启还是需要用 U盘引导 OpenCore, 但是选择进入的是 MacOS. 看到下面这个时区选择界面就说明黑苹果系统已经安装好了. 第一次正式进入黑苹果系统时, 先找到 Terminal 再运行 sudo spctl --master-disable 命令来开启第三方软件运行权限. 然后运行 U盘里的 OpenCore Configurator, 在其 Tools 菜单项下面选择 Mo...
第一次正式进入黑苹果系统时, 先找到Terminal再运行sudo spctl --master-disable命令来开启第三方软件运行权限. 然后运行 U盘里的OpenCore Configurator, 在其Tools菜单项下面选择Mount EFI, 挂载并打开黑苹果当前硬盘上的EFI分区. 将放到 U盘的EFI文件夹复制到刚刚挂载的硬盘EFI分区中. 这样就可以拔掉 U盘直接从硬盘...
{ "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [ { "name": "Python Degbug: esp32tool", "type": "debugpy", "request": "launch", "program": "esptool.py", "console": "integratedTerminal", "args": [ "--chip", "esp32s3", "--port", "/dev/tty.usbmodem2401", // PowerDebugger sen...
I even found a thread somewhere that suggested running the update from terminal, running this command: sudo sh -c "softwareupdate -ia && reboot", but on this method it would get to a maximum of 75% download. I tried mostly at home, I even tried at the office, as someone suggested. ...
Bootable installer: Use a previously saved installer to create a bootable USB drive via Disk Utility or Terminal. What are macOS versions named after? macOS versions are named after iconic California landmarks that reflect Apple’s connection to its home state, such as Yosemite and Sierra. Previ...
第一次正式进入黑苹果系统时, 先找到Terminal再运行sudo spctl --master-disable命令来开启第三方软件运行权限. 然后运行 U盘里的OpenCore Configurator, 在其Tools菜单项下面选择Mount EFI, 挂载并打开黑苹果当前硬盘上的EFI分区. 将放到 U盘的EFI文件夹复制到刚刚挂载的硬盘EFI分区中. 这样就可以拔掉 U盘直接从硬盘...
Boot the Mac in recovery mode and go to the terminal, Here I disable SIP using csrutil disable, Reboot back in to Recovery Mode, open the terminal again Remount the disk with write permissions using mount -uw / Make the edits However step 4 no longer seems to work on Big Sur as I ...
Opening Safari with URL via terminal also opens URL in default browser (Chrome) When using the command open in the terminal, there seems to be this weird issue/behavior where if run to open a specific application (in this case Safari) where my current default browser is Chrome, the follow...