没错,OpenCore 工具集中就有用来下载 macOS Recovery 镜像的工具。 解压下载的 OpenCore 文件夹, 打开 Utilities\macrecovery 路径,然后在此路径打开命令行,在地址栏输入 cmd 回车即可。 打开命令行 打开cmd 命令行后,输入以下命令即可开始下载最新版本的 macOS Recovery 镜像,镜像大小只有650M,耐心等一会就行了。 ...
Mac Recovery Modeis a special startup mode that can load up many useful troubleshooting and recovery tools without booting up the regular OS. It is the easiest way to reinstall macOS from scratch. A macOS reinstallation cleans the codes of the current operating system and rewrites every line of...
Step 1. From the tools window in macOS Recovery, choose Reinstall macOS, click Continue and follow the onscreen instructions.Step 2. Click "Agree." Then, in the next window, choose your hard drive. To begin, click Install to erase and reinstall your Mac....
How to Update & Reinstall macOS Without Losing Data *Print this page or open this page on another device so you can refer to it later. Step 1.Start up your Mac from macOS Recovery Turn on your Mac and immediately press and hold "Command + R", "Option + Command + R", or "Shift +...
There are a few different tools available in macOS Recovery, including a Time Machine restore tool and theDisk Utility app. However, what we're interested in here is the operating system reinstallation tool, which lets you install your version of macOS and apply any available updates — all wi...
Boot your Mac intomacOS Recovery Modeand use theReinstall macOSfeature Request macOS Ventura update throughTerminal Install macOS Ventura on your Mac using a USB bootable installer Note:If your Mac is from your organization, it may prevent you from updating to macOS Ventura with the error "The ...
Recovery OS、安全模式和单用户模式启动 WPA Wi-Fi 和个人热点支持 虽然Hackintosh 社区的许多 PC 用户都熟悉 OpenCore,但 OpenCore 被设计为 Mac 和 PC 无关,确保两个平台都可以轻松使用它。借助 OpenCore Legacy Patcher,可以帮助我们自动化流程,让 OpenCore 的运行变得更加容易。
-- Note: Make sure SIP is disabled on the system you intend to install High Sierra on. If it's not or you're unsure, just boot into your Recovery partition of your currently installed copy of OS X, open Terminal, and run "csrutil disable". Things you'll need: - A copy of the...
我发现新版的不需要VMsvga2也能正常全屏,不知道是VMware升级的关系还是MacOS升级的关系,反正装好VMWare Tools后不需要任何操作就能正常全屏。 虚拟机屏幕分辨率最大化方法(非全屏):关掉拉伸客户机,把窗口的宽度拉到最大不能拉为止,打开保持比例拉伸客户机即可使虚拟机的分辨率最大。
转换macOS Recovery 镜像需要用到 qemu-img 工具,大家可以在https://qemu.weilnetz.de/w64/ 自行下载,也可以...(此处省略)。 下载qemu 之后,双击 qemu-w64-setup 程序进行安装。 安装完毕后,和之前打开命令行的方法一样, 打开 com.apple.recovery.boot 路径的 cmd 命令行。 打开...