How to Set a Password for Folders in macOS. You can password protect a folder and its content on macOS by adding it to a secured image using Disk Utility. This way, the original folder would remain untouched which you can delete later after creating the secured image. ...
Again, the risk here is that if you forget your password or reset code then everything in your user folder is forever lost. Finally there is protected disk images, which can be created like little "vaults" that you can store stuff in. Any projects in Scrivener, your tax documents---...
Password protecting volumes In macOS, you can also password-protect individual storage volumes so that they can't mount without the user entering a password. This makes it much more difficult to access files on a volume if the user doesn't know the password. However, be aware that to do t...
defaults write askForPassword -int 1 defaults write askForPasswordDelay -int 0Expose hidden files and Library folder in Finder:defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -bool true chflags nohidden ~/Library...
Have you ever wanted to protect a file or folder from either being changed or deleted by anyone who might have access to your account on a MacOS device? For instance, you might have a folder that contains several important documents (such as tax information, the deed to your house, ...
Thankfully, withMacOS SonomaandSafari 17, you can now password-protect your private browsing sessions. With a private session locked, the only way to view the contents of that Safari window is to first authenticate with either a password or TouchID. Without successful authentication, all priv...
Set compression levels, choose a default output folder, automatically remove archives after unzipping them, and many more features make this the most complete archiving tool for your Mac. Encrypt archives Keep your data private, keep it secure!
Practically everyone has files or a folder that they keep on their Mac that they don't want anyone else to access. Today, AppleInsider walks you through the steps to keep your files secure by turning a folder into an encrypted, password-protected disk im
MacOS provides the FileVault function which allows you to encrypt the contents of your Home folder and protect it with a password. The only disadvantage of FileVault is that it requires additional disk space to the total volume of the Home folder. Anyway, you can find the FileVault option ...
The quickest and easiest way to lock a file or folder in macOS is through Finder. The process goes like this: Control-clickthe items you want to lock. ChooseGet Info. Tick theLockedbox. That’s all it takes. Locking will now protect the item from changes until you reverse the process....