1. 使用键盘快捷键 (Using Keyboard Shortcuts) 键盘快捷键是提高工作效率的利器。通过简单的组合键,您可以快速切换窗口,而无需使用鼠标。 1.1 Windows系统的快捷键 (Shortcuts for Windows) 在Windows操作系统中,您可以使用以下快捷键进行窗口切换: Alt + Tab:按住Alt键,然后按Tab键,可以在打开的窗口之间进行切换。
像我这样桌面空间不大,不愿意再展开一组屏幕键盘鼠标的人,可以用一台电脑使用两种操作系统,加上 iPad,选择就丰富至 3 个操作系统共享一套操控和 2 块屏幕(笔记本 + 平板);比如,在家或单位想要将 Mac 或 iPad 作为 Windows 的扩展屏;再比如,想要躺在床上拿着 iPad 假装是 Windows 平板,偶尔运行一些负担...
[ {"title": "Keyboard shortcuts for Windows - Visual Studio Code","link": "https://code.visualstudio.com/shortcuts/keyboard-shortcuts-windows.pdf"}, {"title": "Keyboard shortcuts for macOS - Visual Studio Code","link": "https://code.visualstudio.com/shortcuts/keyboard-shortcuts-macos....
{"title": "Keyboard shortcuts for Windows - Visual Studio Code","link": "https://code.visualstudio.com/shortcuts/keyboard-shortcuts-windows.pdf"}, {"title": "Keyboard shortcuts for macOS - Visual Studio Code","link": "https://code.visualstudio.com/shortcuts/keyboard-shortcuts-macos.pdf...
Keyboard shortcuts: keymaps comparison (macOS) Last modified: 09 March 2023 Among all of the predefined keymaps, you will most probably choose one of the following: Visual Studio/Visual Studio (macOS)— this keymap is recommended for users who: have no experience with other IDEs; have ...
(Emacs) Keyboard Shortcuts for Editing Text Fields in OS X 对于刚 switch 到 Mac 平台的 Windows 用户来说, macOS 风格的快捷键需要适应. 但是对于 Emacs 用户来说, macOS Emacs 风格快捷键又能带来不少的操作的便捷提升. 但是这种便利性不是所有人能理解, 所以先放几个 Q&A. ...
Type: Bug The keyboard shortcuts (e.g. Fn-Control-Left Arrow ) to arrange windows introduced by macOs Sequoia are not working. VS Code version: Code 1.93.1 (38c31bc, 2024-09-11T17:20:05.685Z) OS version: Darwin arm64 24.0.0 Modes: System...
Keyboard Shortcuts: macOS Keymap Last modified: 29 November 2022 note You can find all shortcuts and modify them in Settings/Preferences | Keymap. IntelliJ IDEA's top keyboard shortcuts Search Everywhere Double ⇧ Find Action... ⇧ ⌘ A Show Project window ⌘ 1 Rebuild ⇧ ...
Add macOS keyboard shortcuts: Command+Q: Quit Application Command+W: Close Window Add Linux & Windows keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl+W: Close Window Ctrl+Shift+W: Quit Application Resolves #122
Mac keyboard shortcutssupport.apple.com/en-us/HT201236 上面列出了“剪切”、“复制”、“粘贴”的快捷键: “剪切“的快捷键Command-X(Command-X: Cut the selected item and copy it to the Clipboard.); ”复制“的快捷键Command-C(Command-C: Copy the selected item to the Clipboard. This also...