You can use the Company Portal app for macOS to unenroll a device that you no longer need for work or school.After you remove a device:The device is removed from Intune. The device loses access to Company Portal features. For example, you can't install apps for the device from the ...
在macOS 设备上添加、配置或创建设置,以限制 Microsoft Intune 中的功能。 设置密码要求,控制锁定的屏幕,使用内置应用,添加受限或批准的应用,处理蓝牙设备,连接到云进行备份和存储,启用展台模式,添加域,以及控制用户与 Safari Web 浏览器的交互方式。
取得Intune 公司入口網站 更新Intune 公司入口網站 新增裝置密碼、PIN 或密碼 安裝行動威脅防禦應用程式 Android 裝置管理 iOS/iPadOS 裝置管理 Linux 裝置管理 macOS 裝置管理 註冊 適用於 macOS 的公司入口網站 同步macOS 裝置 管理公司入口網站喜好設定 更新macOS裝置設定 取得說明 ...
defaults read /Applications/Company\ CFBundleShortVersionString 或者,CFBundleIdentifier可以在 Mac 上装载的 DMG 文件的文件下<app_name>.app/Contents/Info.plist找到 和CFBundleShortVersionString。 对于添加到 Intune 的应用,可以使用 Intune 管理中心获取应用捆绑包 ID。
Microsoft released a beta version of the Intune Company Portal for macOS just last month; however, it’s since been pulled from the Download Center. This app had been made available along with the announcement of Conditional Access supporting macOS in pr
Install the macOS Intune Company Portal app bygetting it from the Company portal websiteor from Microsoft AutoUpdate should automatically launch once installation is complete, but if not, from the macOS Intune Company Portal menu selectHelp>C...
Enroll your Mac with Intune Company Portal | Microsoft Docs I hope this helps. HiAdin_Calkic Thank you for your answer. Unfortunately I couldn't see this in the Company Portal app. It says "Status = Compatible" all the time. The links are good, thanks ...
Web app Browser extension Desktop app CLI To import data to your vault: Log in to the web vault at,, or if self-hosting. Select Tools→ Import data from the navigation:Import data Complete the follow...
As of writing this the online package generator is useless for people like me and the others in this thread that would like to publish Adobe CC in the Intune Company Portal for example. #Adontbe Votes 9 Upvotes Translate Translate Report Report Reply Judy25031003hc1...
As of writing this the online package generator is useless for people like me and the others in this thread that would like to publish Adobe CC in the Intune Company Portal for example. #Adontbe Votes 9 Upvotes Translate Translate Report Report Reply Judy25031003hc1...