Turbo Boost Switcher - Turbo Boost Switcher is a little application for Mac computers that allows to enable and/or disable the Turbo Boost feature. VerticalBar - macOS application to add a vertical bar to Dock. Wireshark - Wireshark is the world’s foremost and widely-used network protocol...
In this tutorial, you'll learn how to create and run a .NET Multi-platform App UI (.NET MAUI) app on iOS using .NET Command Line Interface (CLI) on macOS: To create .NET MAUI apps, you'll need to download and run the installer for the latest .NET runtime. You'll also need to...
Mac CLI is sponsored by 📒SuperPlanner, an innovative daily planner and task manager for iPhone, iPad and Mac. SuperPlanner combines the calendar with task management features to keep everything organized in one place. There is no login or user registration required. All data is stored locally...
In a future release, we will fully disable Flawfinder once we add support for C++, but for now it will work in unison with Semgrep. We’ve done work to deduplicate findings, so you should not notice any difference in findings. If you include our ‘SAST.gitlab-ci.yml’, you don’t ...
Sleep management I found that I was unable to wake Catalina from sleep using my mouse or keyboard. If you encounter the same problem, you can either disable system sleep in Catalina’s Energy Saver settings to avoid the issue, or you can manually wake the VM up from sleep from Proxmox by...
Fastlane+ can be enable on an AireOS controller through the CLI. It requires ASR to be enabled and for PMF to be set to either Optional or Required.The following are the CLI commands:● Enable or disable ASRAireOS-WLC# config WLAN asr {enable | disable} <WLAN I...
guarinogabriel/Mac-CLI: 这个是 mac 终端工具一个集合包, 暂时还没用过 生产力工具<Alfred>, 介绍几个常用的插件 有道翻译: 翻译结果回车可到剪贴板 音量控制: 直接输入音量大小, 控制音量 terminal finder: terminal 的目录在 finder 中打开, finder 当前目录在 terminal 中打开 source tree: 直接进入到指定 ...
我最好的猜测是,这在某种程度上与Sourcetree最初发出的git命令中的-c credential.helper=sourcetree位有...
Mac-CLI- 面向开发人员的 macOS 命令行工具. mas- Mac App Store 的 CLI. macOS Utilities Bluetooth Debug Menu- 出厂重置设备等. Command Line Utilities Part 1 Command Line Utilities Part 2 EnvPane- 环境变量首选项窗格. Glances- 在终端运行的系统监控工具. ...
经测试可在macOS上运行: 11.1大苏尔 10.15卡塔琳娜 10.14莫哈韦沙漠 10.13高山脉 10.12塞拉利昂 10.11埃尔卡皮坦 10.10优胜美地 GUI输出 CLI输出 入门 起飞: 将该脚本放置在/usr/local/bin ,以使所有用户都可以访问该脚本; 在文件上设置可执行位: chmod +x aboutMe.sh ; 然后调用它: bash aboutMe.sh 。 致谢 ...