以自定义 Touch Bar 动作为例,首先,打开 BetterTouchTool 偏好设置,并切换到 Touch Bar 选项卡。随后,点击左侧的 + 按钮将 Finder 设定为显示该按钮的应用程序;然后点击右下方的「+ TouchBar Button」按钮,新建一个动作,并将操作设定为「Create New File in Current Folder」,再选择一个你喜欢的图标和名字就大...
The simplest versiondoes not require a file or folder to be selected, andadds a keyboard shortcutof your choice. Part 1: Create a new Quick Action (was Service) In Automator, create a newQuick Action(previously called a Service): From the left site, click Utilities then drag "Run Apples...
更新dockerfile文件 4个月前 LICENSE v0.5.4 详见更新日志 5年前 README-zh.md v0.9.5 22天前 README.md v0.9.5 22天前 SECURITY.md Create SECURITY.md 3年前 docker-compose.yml docker-compose.yml文件添加默认dns配置 7天前 docker-update.sh 新增docker-compose.yml文件和...
Upload the server token file to Intune to finish creating the enrollment program token. Return to the admin center >Apple tokenfield. Browse to the server token (.p7m file) on your device. ChooseOpen, and then selectCreate. Intune will automatically connect with Apple Business Manager to sync...
The simplest versiondoes not require a file or folder to be selected, andadds a keyboard shortcutof your choice. Part 1: Create a new Quick Action (was Service) In Automator, create a newQuick Action(previously called a Service):
Collect Public Testflight app URL's (iOS/iPad OS/macOS), feel free to create a issue. Github Action Special thanks to @tom-snow for adding the Github Action workflow to this repository. If you wanna fork this repo, please reading this(ZH-CN) first! Available Status F: Full N: No D:...
的形式输出所有参数;"$@" 会将各个参数分开,以"$1" "$2" … "$n" 的形式输出所有参数 ...
Rt,本文讲述如何在 Mac OS 系统中,在/home目录下创建文件夹的方法。 之所以会有本篇文章,是因为在默认情况下,该目录是不允许用户进行变更操作的。 不废话,直接给出修改方法,有需要的同学按照下面的步骤操作即可。 修改auto_master 执行sudo vim /etc/auto_master命令: ...
Backup and create DVD disc/folder/ISO, just as easy as ABC Worth49.99 Sale Price2.50 More Details Add To Bundle macOS Bundle FileUnhider Hide/unhide your files. With one click. Worth5.99 Sale Price1.00 More Details Add To Bundle macOS Bundle Total Video Tools for Mac Complete Video & Audio...
WebKit::WebProcessPool::initializeNewWebProcess(WebKit::WebProcessProxy&, WebKit::WebsiteDataStore*, WebKit::WebProcessProxy::IsPrewarmed) + 1379 14 WebKit 0x7ff921be0cb7 WebKit::WebProcessPool::createNewWebProcess(WebKit::WebsiteDataStore*, WebKit::WebProcessProxy::IsPrewarmed) + 123...