補充一提,這個 rule 是改編自官網現成有個「Right Shift to Cmd+Space if alone (to redefine language switch to right shift)」rule,這個 mapping rule 的切換流暢度我覺得很好,只差在我需要的是 control + space 而非 command + space,所以稍做改版。 (不建議) 舊做法:匯入既有的 Shift 一鍵切換 rule ...
一方面,是修改 macOS 系统的快捷键,以上面提到的 Command + W 组合键为例,在设置中找到 Keyboard 选项卡内的 Keyboard Shortcuts…,选择 app Shortcuts,点加号,在 application 处选择 MRD,Menu title 手动填写 close,也就是原来 Command + W 的关闭功能,下面的 Keyboard shortcut 修改为其他组合键,我这里是修改...
Lock Control + Command + Q立即锁定屏幕 ✅ 等价于 Windows 系统,锁屏Win+L macOS 锁屏快捷键Ctrl + Command + Q https://gist.github.com/xgqfrms/d7189d7cd2be511d7fba94f7dfd2e0be refs https://superuser.com/questions/132719/how-do-i-type-home-end-pageup-pagedown-on-a-macbook-pro https...
To repeat the last action in a Microsoft Office program, press the F4 key or Ctrl+Y on a Windows keyboard. Mac users should press Command+Y. Note On laptops and smaller keyboards, if the F4 key isn't working, enable it by pressing the F-Lock key, or pressing and holding the Fn key...
默认映射到Command键。但是若不想这样,也可以将它映射到所选的任何其他键。 要将Windows 键映射到您选择的任何键,请转到“VMware Fusion”>“偏好设置”>“键盘与鼠标”>“键映射”。 注意: 如果“Ctrl+单击”在 Windows 中不起作用,而是发送一个右键单击,请参见此表中的“选择多个列表项”。
⌘ Command ⇧ Shift ⌥ Option ⌃ Control ⇪ Caps Lock Fn 如果你使用的是 Windows PC (以下简称 PC)专用键盘,可以使用 Alt 键代替 Option 键,用 Windows 标志键代替 Command 键。有些 Mac 键盘在顶行中设有特殊按键,这些按键上有音量图标、显示屏亮度图标和其他功能图标。按下图标键可执行相应功能...
The Command key on the Mac keyboard equals the Windows key. To perform actions that use the Command button on the Mac, you will need to use the control button in Windows (for example Copy = Ctrl+C). The function keys can be activated in the session by pressing additionally the FN key...
⌘ Command ⇧ Shift ⌥ Option ⌃ Control ⇪ Caps Lock Fn 如果你使用的是 Windows PC (以下简称 PC)专用键盘,可以使用 Alt 键代替 Option 键,用 Windows 标志键代替 Command 键。有些 Mac 键盘在顶行中设有特殊按键,这些按键上有音量图标、显示屏亮度图标和其他功能图标。按下图标键可执行相应功能...
This is the oldest of all Mac startup options, going all the way back to theMac Plus. Better known as "zapping-PRAM", if you hold downCommand Option P Ron startup, all the settings in the General, Mouse, and Keyboard System Settings are reset to their defaults. ...
Changing command to map to the ctrl key does remap cmd from mac to ctrl on my windows keyboard. Changing the mac ctrl to map to whatever the default "cmd" key is (in this case, should be the windows symbol key), does not work. This means, when I'm trying to run a program a...