使用dscl . -read /Users/$USER UserShell查看 如果你的结果是/bin/zsh,又恰巧用brew安装了zsh的话,那么你可能就白安装了 将brew安装的zsh添加到/etc/shell下,通常是/usr/local/bin/zsh 在进行chsh操作就可以使用新版本的zsh了
它可以在不影响其他项目的情况下,为单个项目创建一套特定的运行环境。 首先安装HomeBrew: /bin/zsh -c"$(curl -fsSLhttps://gitee.com/cunkai/HomebrewCN/raw/master/Homebrew.sh)” 随后执行清理和升级: brewcleanup &&brewupdate 安装虚拟环境: brewinstallpyenv 随后安装需要的Python2版本: pyenvinstall2.7.18 ...
首先安装HomeBrew: /bin/zsh -c "$(curl -fsSLhttps://gitee.com/cunkai/HomebrewCN/raw/master/Homebrew.sh)” 随后执行清理和升级: brew cleanup && brew update 安装虚拟环境: brew install pyenv 随后安装需要的Python2版本: pyenv install 2.7.18 接着添加环境变量: echo 'PATH=$(pyenv root)/shims:$...
$ brew install neovim Now, you should have the neovim installed. To test it, open terminal writenvimand hit the enter. Setting up Python for Neovim Neovim requires a package to be installed for Python plugins to work. Run:checkhealthto see if you already have it. I got the following re...
首先安装HomeBrew: /bin/zsh -c "$(curl -fsSLhttps://gitee.com/cunkai/HomebrewCN/raw/master/Homebrew.sh)” 随后执行清理和升级: brew cleanup && brew update 安装虚拟环境: brew install pyenv 随后安装需要的Python2版本: pyenv install 2.7.18 ...
zstyle':omz:alpha:lib:git'async-prompt force Getting Updates By default, you will be prompted to check for updates every 2 weeks. You can choose other update modes by adding a line to your~/.zshrcfile,before Oh My Zsh is loaded: ...
在你的脚本或 rc 文件中编辑 PATH 来使用 ~/homebrew/bin 和~/homebrew/sbin。例如,先 echo 'PATH=$PATH:~/homebrew/sbin:~/homebrew/bin' >> .zshrc,然后用 chsh -s /bin/zsh 把登录脚本改为 Z shell,打开一个新的终端窗口并运行 brew update。
/usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_brew /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/brew /usr/local/Homebrew Press RETURN to continue or any other key to abort 按RETURN 键后输入系统密码继续安装,稍等片刻后即可安装完成。 紧接着,我们需要做一件事让通过 Hombrew 安装的程序的启动链接 (在 /usr/local/bin...
首先安装HomeBrew: /bin/zsh -c"$(curl -fsSLhttps://gitee.com/cunkai/HomebrewCN/raw/master/Homebrew.sh)” 随后执行清理和升级: brewcleanup &&brewupdate 安装虚拟环境: brewinstallpyenv 随后安装需要的Python2版本: pyenvinstall2.7.18 接着添加环境变量: ...