ifeq "$(OS)" "macos" CFLAGS+=-arch x86_64 -arch arm64 LIBS=-framework IOKit -framework CoreFoundation -framework AppKit OBJS=$(HIDAPI_DIR)/mac/hid.o EXE= @@ -56,7 +57,7 @@ endif ### common CFLAGS=-I $(HIDAPI_DIR)/hidapi CFLAGS+=-I $(HIDAPI_DIR)/hidapi OBJS += hid...
有关如何确定您的应用是否以翻译后的二进制文件运行的信息,见Determine Whether Your App Is Running as a Translated Binary。 指定应用程序的启动行为 对于通用二进制文件,系统倾向于执行当前平台对应的代码部分。 在基于Intel的Mac计算机上,系统始终执行二进制文件的x86_64部分。 在Apple芯片上,系统倾向于执行二进制...
For universal binaries, the system prefers to execute the slice that is native to the current platform. On an Intel-based Mac computer, the system always executes thex86_64slice of the binary. On Apple silicon, the system prefers to execute thearm64slice when one is present. Users can forc...
因为编译器能够针对目标架构来优化代码。如果一个应用程序只支持 x86_64 架构,那必须在 Apple 芯片上...
默认情况下,macOS里会自带一个位于/System/Library/ kernel /kernel中的RELEASE融合内核,其中kernel是Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64。所以,我们可以通过导航到Apple Developer门户并下载内核调试工具包,来获得macOS版本的Development内核。令人惊讶的是,苹果公司只是简单将该套件置于正常的、免费的Apple开发者账户( ...
支持更多的其它指令集也没问题。而 arm windows 是在运行时试图做实时转译。所以效率相对较低。
1992 年,NEXTSTEP 发布了可以跑在 x86 架构上的版本。当时它们可以支持在 68K(摩托罗拉), x86(英特尔), PA-RISC(惠普), SPARC(Sun)等多种不同的芯片上运行。并且可以把多种架构的代码打包成一个 fat binary,也就是我们今天在 iOS 上常见的所谓 Universal Binary。
{"tag":"v2.6","name":"uploaded-v2.6-node-v12.2.0-macos-x86"} Building base binary from source: built-v12.2.0-macos-x86 Error! Not able to build for 'x86' here, only for 'x64'` Does this imply that I simply cannot build for the x86 arch on my 64 bit system? Or is there ...
--credentials yes --preserve no --fix-binary yes 1. 2. 3. 4. 看看情况: $ cat /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/rosetta enabled interpreter /mnt/lima-rosetta/rosetta flags: OCF offset 0 magic 7f454c4602010100000000000000000002003e00 mask fffffffffffefe00fffffffffffffffffeffffff ...
I can either type Cargo Run and run the binary from the Terminal or go directly to the executable and double click on it to open the GUI application. The only thing that MacOS lets me do it open the GUI from the Terminal. Commander One says that I do not have the proper credentials ...