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From the homepage(www.macmillaneducationeverywhere.com)(opens in a new tab), click on ‘Register’. Select ‘Student account’ and open the drop down menu to select your country of residence. Click ‘Next’. Enter your first name and last name. Select ‘Under 16-year-old’ and enter your...
I like the different levels of activity one spot on campus could have, and I think it really represents the bustling but balanced life of a university student. Bonus: if you choose to attend UC Santa Barbara, you can look forward to a great view of the lagoon and ocean from the UCen ...
But if we stay determined, empathetic, and committed to progress, we can begin to imagine what education looks like if every student felt seen, valued, and empowered. We could create a future where education is truly the great equalizer it was always meant to be. We can help fulfill our ...
“prosocial bonuses” to give to charities become happier workers. For those feeling morose, one antidote is, therefore, a daily random act of kindness. Perhaps you too—after donating blood, carrying someone’s groceries, mentoring a student, or even just giving directions to a stranger—have ...
“temperature” of your class and help normalize student experiences by using a word cloud generating tool (e.g., Poll Everywhere) Share free online applications that can assist with: Meditation (Headspace, Insight Timer) Slow, controlled breathing (ReachOut Breathe, Serenita) Sleep (i...