——九程点评从不依赖官方宣传,只来自广大在读或毕业于该校学生和家长的反馈以及九程自己对该校的观察 “1.建校时间悠久,提供顶尖AP及IB课程 亚历山大麦肯齐高中(Alexander Mackenzie High School)建校于1969年,是约克教育局旗下的高中院校。该校位于多伦多列治文山的中心位置,周边环境良好,设施齐全,交通便利。除此以...
Iñaki Godoy embarked on the filming of two notable films: “MexZombies”, which made its debut at the Toronto After Dark Film Festival, and “No Abras La Puerta”. In both productions, he played the leading role, and both were released in the year 2022. Simultaneously with these excitin...
Each Spring, we TV fans tend to get a little bit crazy. Lots of our favorite shows are in danger of being cancelled and we're all on edge, waiting to see which ones will be back next season. Well, it turns out that the stars are kept in dark just as much as we are!