MackTheKnife Members 查看主页 查看他们的动态 内容数量 308 加入时间 六月28, 2018 最近访问 十二月 23, 2023 Personal Information ARK Platforms Owned Xbox 最近主页访问者 最近游客区块已被禁用,不会显示给其他会员。 MackTheKnife's Achievements Cloth Armor (2/5) 72 社区声望 动态 ...
Mack the Knife. Mack, a penge. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 The three of them, with their then new producer Reinhold Mack, recorded it at Musicland Studios in Munich. A soron következő albumukat új producerrel, a német Reinhold Mackel,ésúj helyen, a müncheni Musicland Studiosban r...
街机游戏《名将》中对Mack the Knife的致敬
英文和俄文wiki都没看见有这档子事 分享27赞 eminem吧 rapembad Eminem Vs. Macklemore两个成功的白人RAPPER,一个呼风唤雨多年,一个刚冒头。大家来比较下他们俩吧!(也许大家比较过了,我是新人,但是我赖得翻旧帖子,贴吧的搜索功能我 分享15赞 绿光模型吧 MR-BEAR 【MR-BEAR】一些来自狗熊岭服务区的新照片...
将“mack"翻译成捷克文 nepromokavý plášť, nepromokavý, pláštěnka是“mack"到 捷克文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:Mack the Knife. ↔ Mackie Messer. mack verb noun 语法 (slang) An individual skilled in the art of seduction using verbal skills. ie. "she left with him, he ...
Va aparèixer en ITV en 2004, i va guanyar el Projecte Joventut "Concurs de talents sense descobrir de joves", celebrat a Derk en la realització de "Mack The Knife". and performed for the "Live and Unsigned". WikiMatrix Macke told Reinhold Wagner to go into the study and keep...
The show's opening number, "Mack the Knife", became the most popular song of its time. Numărul muzical din deschiderea spectacolului, „Mack the Knife”, a devenit cel mai popular cântec al timpului său. WikiMatrix Because I was thinking, if you want me to mack on that...
Beyer, autrice di numerosi romanzi dedicati a Star Trek: Voyager, lavorerà con lo scrittore David Mack e il fumettista Mike Johnson per supervisionare il lavoro dei tre medium. WikiMatrix Perfumes the whole house, said Mack. «Profuma tutto il locale» disse Mack....
Beyer, autrice di numerosi romanzi dedicati a Star Trek: Voyager, lavorerà con lo scrittore David Mack e il fumettista Mike Johnson per supervisionare il lavoro dei tre medium. WikiMatrix Perfumes the whole house, said Mack. «Profuma tutto il locale» disse Mack....