Mack the Knife原本是1928年音乐剧The Three Opera的选段,德语原标题Die Moritat van Mackie Messer,1955年Louis Armatrong使这首歌的英文版本开始受到重视,次年就有包括吉他传奇Les Paul在内的至少7个版本登上美国榜单,1959年发行的Bobby Darin的版本在Hot 100拿到9周冠军(中文资料都说“连续9周榜首”,不实,中间...
《Mack the Knife》是由布莱希特作词,美国歌手Bobby Darin演唱的歌曲,于1959年发行。歌曲讲述的是德国剧作家、戏剧导演布莱希特1928年作品《三毛钱歌剧》中的一个连环杀手角色。这首歌是Bobby Darin的成名曲,在50年代风靡全球,以蝉连9周冠军的成绩排名第三,使得Bobby Darin终于步入了传奇人物之路。外文...
And so it was that two pillars of German leftist theatre, both deceased, hooked up posthumously with a young rock'n'roller barely out of his teens and took amoritat- a murder ballad - to Number One on the Billboard pop charts. Bobby Darin's "Mack The Knife" was not just a hit reco...
The Life of a Song: ‘Mack the Knife’onx(opens in a new window) The Life of a Song: ‘Mack the Knife’onfacebook(opens in a new window) The Life of a Song: ‘Mack the Knife’onlinkedin(opens in a new window) current progress 100% ...
("Luck Be A Lady"), Gordon Jenkins ("It Was A Very Good Year") or Don Costa ("My Way"). But by the time Frank got to "Mack the Knife", most of those guys were gone. The last entry to the Sinatra songbook - indeed, the one that often closed the show, the killer finale ...