ENGLISH languagePASSIVE voiceTRANSLATING & interpretingThis study explores how Korean-to-English machine translation (MT) systems (e.g., Google Translator, NAVER Papago) deal with Korean passive structures. Cross-linguistically, Korean and English passives show different ways to construct pas...
Abstrac - Wepresent aKorean toEnglish Machine Translation translations. Oneofthemajor reasons for this isrelated totranslating system ofclosed captions forDigital Television. NamedEntities (NEs) NamedEntities (NEs) ofproper nameswhich arevery popular in convey important information ofnewsarticles anddrama...
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One of the most critical issues in translating Korean into other languages is the common use of empty arguments. Since even mandatory elements in Korean are often dropped unlike English, the missing elements should be resolved during translation to obtain grammatical sentences. In this paper, we fo...
In this project, I specially used Korean-English translation corpus fromAI Hubto apply torchtext into Korean dataset. And I also usedsoynlplibrary which is used to tokenize Korean sentence. It is really nice and easy to use, you should try if you plan to handle Korean sentences :) ...
Korean ➡️ English Result evaluated on 553500 sentence pairs which are disjoint from the train set. How to Use fromtransformersimportAutoTokenizer,AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM# Korean -> English Machine Translationtokenizer=AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("QuoQA-NLP/KE-T5-Ko2En-Base")model=AutoModelF...
Fusingtheflavors of Korean BBQ with Mexican street food in such creations as the kimchi quesadilla and short rib tacos, [...] nowness.com nowness.com 将韩式烧烤和墨西哥街头小吃相融合,Choi发明了一系列的创意菜式,如泡菜油炸玉米粉饼、短段排骨卷饼——每天都为超过1万的洛杉矶居民提供享乐 无比的美味...
The aim of the present study was to examine the role of machine translation (MT) in L2 writing. For this purpose, 66 Korean English as a foreign language (EFL) university learners produced compositions in which writing tasks were counterbalanced in three writing modes (i.e., Direct Writing,...
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The U.S. National Institutes of Health, through its National Library of Medicine, developed ClinicalTrials.gov to provide the public with easy access to information on clinical trials on a wide range of conditions or diseases. Only English language information retrieval is currently supported. Given...