Machine Translation is an international academic journal dedicated to research and progress in the field of machine translation. This journal aims to provide a communication platform for researchers, engineers, and linguists to explore the theories, methods, evaluations, and applications of automated trans...
Machine Translation Journal: Special issue on Machine Translation for ArabicHany Hassan Awadalla Machine Translation | November 2011 , Vol 26 下载BibTex No abstract available. (在新选项卡中打开) Springer Science 论文与出版物 研究组 Machine Translation 研究领域 Artificial int...
Opens in a new tab Springer Science
Machine Translation杂志英文介绍 Machine Translation is an international academic journal dedicated to research and progress in the field of machine translation. This journal aims to provide a communication platform for researchers, engineers, and linguists to explore the theories, methods, evaluations, and...
MT Journal Special Issue on SLT 2016 : Machine Translation Journal: Special Issue on Spoken Language Translationstueker
Machine Translation is an international academic journal dedicated to research and progress in the field of machine translation. This journal aims to provide a communication platform for researchers, engineers, and linguists to explore the theories, methods, evaluations, and applications of automated trans...
MTJ-PFSMT 2010 : Machine Translation Journal Special Issue on Pushing the frontier of Statistical Machine Translationgrupocoleunderspecifiededwinhuanggiannissupergarotinho
Learning local word reorderings for hierarchical phrase-based statistical machine translation Zhang, JingyiUtiyama, MasaoSumita, EiichroZhao, HaiNeubig, GrahamNakamura, Satoshi 1-18 Improving translation memory matching and retrieval using paraphrases Gupta, RohitOrasan, ConstantinZampieri, MarcosVela, ...
否出版类型 期刊- Journal SNIP 0.831 SJR 0.226 CiteScore分区详情 大类学科 艺术与人文学科 Q1 计算机科学 Q3 社会科学 Q1 小类学科 语言和语言学 Q1 61 / 879 学科排名分位数:93 学科排名分位数:93 % 人工智能 Q3 119 / 227 学科排名分位数:47 学科排名分位数:47 % 软件...
Evolution of the number of total citation per document and external citation per document (i.e. journal self-citations removed) received by a journal's published documents during the three previous years. External citations are calculated by subtracting the number of self-citations from the total...