Machine Theory of Mind 摘要: Mind Theory泛指人类表示他人心理状态的能力,包括欲望、信仰和意图。作者设计了一套心智神经网络理论ToMnet,使用元学习建立它所遇到的智能体的模型,仅仅通过观察它们的行为。通过这个过程,ToMnet获得了要给强大的智能体行为的先验模型,可以仅使用少量的行为观察引导更丰富的有关智能体特征...
因此,Theory of mind一词不应当被如此滥用。其二,这也就从侧面揭示了用行为主义方案构建theory of mi...
因此,Theory of mind一词不应当被如此滥用。其二,这也就从侧面揭示了用行为主义方案构建theory of mi...
However, due to many state-of-the-art approaches relying on uninterpretable black-box models, there is growing demand for methods that offer stakeholders clear and actionable insights into their latent beliefs and motivations. To address this, we evaluate Theory of Mind (ToM) approaches for ...
This is a curated list of related literature and resources for machine theory of mind (ToM) research.Last Update:Dec 29th, 2023. If you find our work useful, please give us credit by citing: @inproceedings{ma2023towards,title={Towards A Holistic Landscape of Situated Theory of Mind in Large...
Moral cognition and theory of mind: Birmingham, UK, 2-6 July 2012G. Briggs, "Machine ethics, the frame problem, and theory of mind," in Proceedings of the Symposium on Moral Cognition and Theory of Mind at AISB/IACAP, 2012.Briggs, G.: Machine ethics, the frame problem, and the- ...
《A Probabilistic Theory of Deep Learning》 介绍:莱斯大学(Rice University)的深度学习的概率理论. 《Nonsensical beer reviews via Markov chains》 介绍:基于马尔可夫链自动生成啤酒评论的开源Twitter机器人,github地址. 《Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing (without Magic)》 介绍:视频+讲义:深度学习...
History of Intelligence History of Languages History of Numbers History of Computing History of Robots History of AI Job Replacements Theory of Mind MathematicsMathematics Linear Functions Linear Algebra Vectors Matrices Tensors StatisticsStatistics Descriptive Variability Distribution Probability ...
人工智能先驱 Herbert Simon 及其著作 The Sciences of the Artificial 和Simon 的思想一致,我们这样描述一个新兴的交叉学科:这个学科研究智能机器,但是并不是从工程机器的角度去理解它们,而是将其视为一系列有自己行为模式及生态反应的个体。 这个领域与计算机和机器人学科有关联性,但是又相互独立。从经验的角度去解释...
He is helping companies creating those mindmaps, knowledge graphs, and create more predictive systems Population screening into population groups will be using high dimensional genomic data to determine risk in various population groups however 60% of genomic data has no reported ancestry He founded Se...