转自:机器学习(Machine Learning)&深度学习(Deep Learning)资料《Brief History of Machine Learning》介绍:这是一篇介绍机器学习历史的文章,介绍很全面,从感知机、神经网络、决策树、SVM、Adaboost到随机森林、Deep Le
Chirs Burges,微软的机器学习大神,Yahoo 2010 Learning to Rank Challenge第一名得主,排序模型方面有RankNet,LambdaRank,LambdaMART,尤其以LambdaMART最为突出,代表论文为:From RankNet to LambdaRank to LambdaMART: An Overview此外,Burges还有很多有名的代表作,比如:A Tutorial on Support Vector Machines for Pattern R...
Caffe benefits include its ease of use, flexibility, and ability to run on multiple GPUs. Caffe also has a large community of users and developers, which can be helpful when you’re trying to learn more about machine learning or deep learning. Features Integrates withApache Spark Expressive arc...
藏经阁-APACHE SPARK FOR MACHINE LEARNING WITH HIGH DIMENSIONAL LABELS 本文档主要介绍了 Cadent 公司基于 Apache Spark 的机器学习解决方案,旨在解决高维标签问题。以下是相关知识点总结: 一、Cadent 公司简介 Cadent 是一家数据技术公司,专门从事电视广告业务。公司具有双岸数据科学和工程团队,业务运行于内部开发的...
mendeley.com ibm.com (全网免费下载) public.dhe.ibm.com (全网免费下载) www-03.ibm.com (全网免费下载) 相似文献 引证文献Mahout in Action SummaryMahout in Action is a hands-on introduction to machine learning with Apache Mahout. Following real-world examples, the book presents practical use c....
IBM Machine Learning for z/OS isn’t a single machine learning framework. It’s a collection of popular frameworks — in particular Apache SparkML, TensorFlow, and H2O — packaged with bindings to common languages used in the trade (Python, Java, Scala), and with support for “any transacti...
《DZone Refcardz: Distributed Machine Learning with Apache Mahout》 介绍:快速入门:基于Apache Mahout的分布式机器学习. 《Learning scikit-learn: Machine Learning in Python》 介绍:基于scikit-learn讲解了一些机器学习技术,如SVM,NB,PCA,DT,以及特征工程、特征选择和模型选择问题. 《Lightning fast Machine Learning...
In the Stock Market Analysis And Forecasting project, you will use GRUs (Gated Recurrent Unit) to build deep learning forecasting models for predicting stock prices of Amazon, IBM, and Microsoft. In the first part, you will dive deep into times series analytics to learn about trends and seas...
版本:4.6.5包括IBM 說明 Watson Machine Learning 提供完整範圍的工具及服務,以便您可以建置、訓練及部署 Machine Learning 模型。 選擇自動化或自動化層次符合您需求的工具。 下列工具可與 Watson Machine Learning 服務搭配使用: AutoAI 實驗建置器,可自動處理結構化資料以產生模型候選管線。 效能最佳的管線可以另存為...
Watson Machine Learning 开启Cloud Pak for Data版本: 4.8.7 包括 IBM描述 Watson Machine Learning 提供了各种工具和服务,以便您可以构建,训练和部署 Machine Learning 模型。 选择具有与您的需求相匹配的自动化或自主性级别的工具。 Watson Machine Learning 服务提供了以下工具: AutoAI 试验构建器,用于自动处理结构...