Machine learning applicationsStack tracesStack OverflowEmpirical software engineeringlearning (ML), including deep learning, has recently gained tremendous popularity in a wide range of applications. However, like traditional software, ML applications are not immune......
這樣就完成了,您已經製作了您的第一個 Windows ML 應用程式! 如需示範如何使用 Windows ML 的更多範例,請參閱 GitHub 上的Windows-Machine-Learning存放庫。 注意 使用下列資源取得 Windows ML 的說明: 如需詢問或回答有關 Windows ML 的技術問題,請使用Stack Overflow上的windows-machine-learning標籤。
英文书名《Foundations of Machine Learning》,瞄了眼豆瓣,居然9.1分,惊为天人。虽说豆瓣对于技术类书籍的打分有一言难尽的地方,不过同样是豆瓣,这本比另一本我觉得也十分不错的机器学习教材高了快1分,优势确实很大。需要特别提醒的是,虽说叫“基础”,但人家指的是研究生专业课的基础,如果指望从1+1教起,或者想好...
Online question and answer (Q&A) forums are emerging as excellent learning platforms for learners with varied interests. In this paper, we present our results on the clustering of Stack Overflow users into four clusters, namely naive users, surpassing users, experts, and outshiners. This clustering...
Machine learning in R. CRAN release site Online tutorial Changelog Stackoverflow:#mlr Mattermost Blog {mlr} is considered retired from the mlr-org team. We won't add new features anymore and will only fixseverebugs. We suggest to use the newmlr3framework from now on and for future projects...
Machine Learning 机器学习 一個很棒的機器學習框架、庫和軟件的精選列表(按語言)。靈感來自於 awesome-php。 计算机视觉 Scikit-Image- Python 中图像处理算法的集合。 Scikit-Opt- Python 中的群智能(Python 中的遗传算法、粒子群优化、模拟退火、蚁群算法、免疫算法、人工鱼群算法)...
scikit-learn: machine learning in Python. Contribute to scikit-learn/scikit-learn development by creating an account on GitHub.
So, consider a hiring algorithm -- a system used to hire people, using machine-learning systems. Such a system would have been trained on previous employees' data and instructed to find and hire people like the existing high performers in the company. Sounds good. I once attended a conferenc...
Windows.AI.MachineLearning Namespace Windows ML Note Use the following resources for help with Windows ML: To ask or answer technical questions about Windows ML, please use the windows-machine-learning tag on Stack Overflow. To report a bug, please file an issue on our GitHub.Feed...
Gives your apps the power of AI without requiring you to master machine learning. Multiple applications Tailors a full range of APIs to different AI scenarios. Global coverage Guarantees high concurrency and reliability no matter where you are. ...