This work presents results of the first tests of machine learning application using gradient boosting on oblivious decision trees to particle identification problem in Multi Purpose Detector (MPD) experiment on Nuclotron based Ion Collider fAcility (NICA) at Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. ...
In this work, we introduce a novel method for Particle Identification (PID) within the scope of the ALICE experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. Identifying products of ultrarelativisitc collisions delivered by the LHC is one of the crucial objectives of ALICE. Typically employed PID ...
Qu, H. & Gouskos, L. ParticleNet: jet tagging via particle clouds.Phys. Rev. D101, 056019 (2020). ArticleADSGoogle Scholar Moreno, E. A. et al. JEDI-net: a jet identification algorithm based on interaction networks.Eur. Phys. J. C80, 58 (2020). ArticleADSGoogle Scholar Moreno, E...
In the future, ELP/ELP-PEI could serve as a modifiable platform that combines ELP’s capability for thermally induced self-aggregation and biocompatibility with the transfection efficiency and control of particle radius conferred by adding a block of PEI. ELP-PEI copolymers thus have potential as a...
We present a machine learning technique to discover and distinguish relevant ordered structures from molecular simulation snapshots or particle tracking data. Unlike other popular methods for structural identification, our technique requires no a priori description of the target structures. Instead, we use...
Machine-Learning-based global particle-identification algorithms at the LHCb experiment. J Phys-Conf Ser , 2018 , 1085: 042038 CrossRef ADS Google Scholar [3] Nguyen T Q, Weitekamp Iii D, Anderson D. Topology Classification with Deep Learning to Improve Real-Time Event Selection at the...
particle surface, which could substantially impact the particle’s participation in the cell level chemistry. To ensure the statistical representativeness, we develop a machine learning model that conducts the identification and quantification of over 650 NMC particles automatically. The machine-learning-...
Machine learning in the identification, prediction and exploration of environmental toxicology: Challenges and perspectives 2022, Journal of Hazardous Materials Show abstract Automatic Identification of Individual Nanoplastics by Raman Spectroscopy Based on Machine Learning ...
iOS MachineLearning 系列(11)—— 自然语言识别与单词分析 在上一篇文章中,我们介绍了使用NaturalLanguage框架来进行自然语言的拆解,可以将一段文本按照单词,句子或段落的模式进行拆解。并且,在进行拆解时,其可以自动的识别所使用的语言。 其实,NaturalLanguage框架本身也提供了语言识别的能力,其可以分析一段文本所对应的...
Evolutionary computation, for example, particle swarm optimization, has impressive achievements in solving complex problems in science and industry; however, an important open problem in evolutionary computation is that there is no theoretical guarantee