Models 程序集: Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.dll 包: Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning v1.1.1 Source: MachineLearningAssetContainer.cs 此容器中的最新版本。 C# 复制 public string LatestVersion { get; } 属性值 String 适用于 产品版本 Azure SDK for .NET Latest, Pr...
您可以在 Azure Machine Learning 工作室中查看 [模型]頁面,以識別已註冊模型的最新版本。 或者,下列程式碼會擷取最新版本號碼讓您使用。 Python # Let's pick the latest version of the modellatest_model_version = max( [int(m.version)forminml_client.models.list(name=registered_model_name)] ) print...
Learn how to access an Azure Machine Learning workspace using Azure role-based access control (Azure RBAC).
Recently, the text translation function of HMS CoreMachine Learning Service(ML Kit) has added 10 minor language types in the 6.4.0 version update, namelyMacedonian, Macedonian, Icelandic, Urdu, Bosnian, Ukrainian , Catalan, Slovenian, Bengali, Afrikaans. Developers with relevant overseas app requirem...
Run inference on your machine learning models no matter which framework you train it with. Easy to install and compiles everywhere, even in very old devices. libonnx - A lightweight, portable pure C99 onnx inference engine for embedded devices with hardware acceleration support....
Machine Learning Samples ML.NET Case Studies Feedback We want to hear from you. Do you have topics you'd like to hear more about or have ideas on how we can improve the show? Take a few minutes to fill out ourfeedback form.
scikit-learn: machine learning in Python. Contribute to scikit-learn/scikit-learn development by creating an account on GitHub.
A Class representing a MachineLearningEnvironmentVersion along with the instance operations that can be performed on it. If you have a ResourceIdentifier you can construct a MachineLearningEnvironmentVersionResource from an instance of ArmClient using th
(2017). UCI machine learning repository. Dunn, J. (2018). Optimal trees for prediction and prescription. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. PhD thesis. D’Agostino, R., Vasan, R., Pencina, M., Wolf, P., Cobain, M., Massaro, J., & Kannel, W....
Azure Machine Learning 工作區。 如果沒有,請依安裝、設定和使用 CLI (v2) 中的步驟建立。 Azure 角色型存取控制 (Azure RBAC) 可用來授與 Azure Machine Learning 作業的存取權。 若要執行本文中的步驟,您必須為使用者帳戶指派 Azure Machine Learning 工作區的擁有者或參與者角色,或允許 Microsoft.MachineLearn...