Journal of Machine Learning Research 12 (2011) 2825-2830 Submitted 311;Revised 811;Published 1011:机器学习研究杂志12(2011)2825-2830提交修订后的311;811;1011出版 文档格式: .pdf 文档大小: 41.31K 文档页数: 6页 顶/踩数: 0/0 收藏人数:
Semi-Supervised Learning Zhi-Hua Zhou Pages 315-341 Probabilistic Graphical Models Zhi-Hua Zhou Pages 343-371 Rule Learning Zhi-Hua Zhou Pages 373-398 Reinforcement Learning Zhi-Hua Zhou Pages 399-430 Back Matter Pages 431-459 Download chapter PDF Back to top Reviews...
Author instructions for the Journal of Machine Learning for Modeling and Computing can be found at:Instruction.pdf. As part of the community reciprocation that furthers research in any field, authors who submit articles to JMLMC acknowledge that they may be asked to review other articles for the...
* [《Deep Learning and Shallow Learning》]( 介绍:Deep Learning与Shallow Learning 介绍 * [《A First Encounter with Machine Learning》]( 介绍:...
《Deep Learning: Methods and Applications》 介绍:这是一本来自微的研究员 li Peng和Dong Yu所著的关于深度学习的方法和应用的电子书 《Machine Learning Summer School 2014》 介绍:2014年七月CMU举办的机器学习夏季课刚刚结束 有近50小时的视频、十多个PDF版幻灯片,覆盖 深度学习,贝叶斯,分布式机器学习,伸缩性 ...
Please also ensure that your document will compile with PDFLATEX. If you have an error message that's puzzling you, first check for it at the UK TUG FAQ http://www.tex. If that doesn't help, create a minimal working example (see http:/...
《Deep Learning: Methods and Applications》 介绍:这是一本来自微的研究员 li Peng和Dong Yu所著的关于深度学习的方法和应用的电子书 《Machine Learning Summer School 2014》 介绍:2014年七月CMU举办的机器学习夏季课刚刚结束 有近50小时的视频、十多个PDF版幻灯片,覆盖 深度学习,贝叶斯,分布式机器学习,伸缩...
JOURNAL OF MACHINE LEARNING RESEARCH的发文量较少,近几年呈上升的状态,增刊趋势明显,有助于投稿。2018-2021年发文量为:169、184、252、252篇。 06 自引率 JOURNAL OF MACHINE LEARNING RESEARCH的自引率数值整体把控较低,去年下降幅度较大,2021年自引率为3.1%。完全是个安全的数值,可以放心投稿。 07 文章的...
AutoML (Automated Machine Learning) is an emerging field that aims to automate the process of building machine learning models. AutoML emerged to increase productivity and efficiency by automating as much as possible the inefficient work that occurs while repeating this process whenever machine learning...
10. Gaussian Processes For Machine Learning,Carl Edward Rasmussen, Christopher K. I. Williams[free pdf] 11.Machine Learning with R 12.Building Machine Learning Systems with Python 13.Machine Learning with Spark 14.Matrix Computations (Johns Hopkins Studies in the Mathematical Sciences): Gene H. Go...